GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Luke 24:13-25




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Sunday school

The Study of Mark, Connor Brown teaching, The chapel

Continuing the conversation- Conference room

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

NEW: Christ and your workplace culture, taught by Mary Crickmore in Munson Hall

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


makers space may 21st!

"God's the potter, we're the clay. And we pass on that creativity as we live among God's people."

 In our May Maker's Space we'll be exploring the creation of a soup bowl: using texture, shape, design and pattern in our clay bowl and our lives.  Even if you have not experienced one of our creative sessions, you are welcome to come and bring a friend and see how prayer can happen without words.  God always has something to say to you if you pause long enough to listen.  Just let us know if you are coming so we can have your supplies ready. No experience necessary.  Email us at



Women’s spring salad supper and service event!

We are excited to launch our Women’s Ministries Events for 2023-2024 at our SPRING SALAD SUPPER AND SERVICE EVENT, tomorrow, Thursday, April 20 in the Family Life Center.

“Punch bowl” begins at 6 pm with dinner starting at 6:30 pm. Bring a salad to share. Dessert and drinks will be provided. There will be an opportunity to hear more about our events for the coming year and how you can get involved. Invite a friend, neighbor, or family member!

The service portion of our evening includes donation items for Outreach Community Ministries. Please bring (as able) one of the high priority items listed below. We will also write cards of encouragement for young moms who are part of Outreach. 

If you have any questions or would like to help that evening, contact Pastor Dawn at dawn.lauber@gecovenant. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Diapers (sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and Pull-ups for boys and girls

Garbage bags

Sponges and Sponges with scrubby side

Laundry detergent (preference for Gain, Tide or Kirkland brands)


Rev. Dawn Holt Lauber

Associate Pastor of Congregational Life

Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church




men’s breakfast

Men of all ages are invited to the Glen Ellyn Covenant Church MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST, This Saturday April 22, 8 am in the Family Life Center. Guest speaker is Coach Jeff Peltz.


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary this Saturday April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Praying for our Missions Partners
We support several missionaries and local and international ministries and service agencies. The Missions Team invites you to intentionally pray for these organizations and for each of our missionaries.

Other Needs and Opportunities
Information and updates on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for informative partner newsletters. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.

GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

John 20:19-31




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Sunday school resumes after easter

The following will be available after Easter;

The Study of Mark, Connor Brown teaching, The chapel

Continuing the conversation- Conference room

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

NEW: Christ and your workplace culture, taught by Mary Crickmore in Munson Hall

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


Women’s spring salad supper and service event!

We are excited to launch our Women’s Ministries Events for 2023-2024 at our SPRING SALAD SUPPER AND SERVICE EVENT, Thursday, April 20 in the Family Life Center.

“Punch bowl” begins at 6 pm with dinner starting at 6:30 pm. Bring a salad to share. Dessert and drinks will be provided. There will be an opportunity to hear more about our events for the coming year and how you can get involved.  Invite a friend, neighbor, or family member!

The service portion of our evening includes donation items for Outreach Community Ministries. Please bring (as able) one of the high priority items listed below. We will also write cards of encouragement for young moms who are part of Outreach. 

If you have any questions or would like to help that evening, contact Pastor Dawn at dawn.lauber@gecovenant. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Diapers (sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and Pull-ups for boys and girls

Garbage bags

Sponges and Sponges with scrubby side

Laundry detergent (preference for Gain, Tide or Kirkland brands)


Rev. Dawn Holt Lauber

Associate Pastor of Congregational Life

Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church




men’s breakfast

Men of all ages are invited to the Glen Ellyn Covenant Church MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST, Saturday, April 22, 8 am in the Family Life Center. Guest speaker is Coach Jeff Peltz.


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary next Saturday April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Food Drive
Groceries for the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry will be collected at church this Sunday, April 16. The list of items needed most this week is on the Pantry’s main webpage. Monetary donations are welcome as well and may be made online. The Pantry’s Vision is “An engaged community where the nutritional needs of all our neighbors are met.” Started by a youth group at Grace Lutheran Church in Glen Ellyn in 1979, the Pantry is now an endeavor of 14 Glen Ellyn churches and community collaboration serving people in 12 areas—Addison, Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, Glen Ellyn, Glendale Heights, Lisle, Lombard, Villa Park, Warrenville, West Chicago, Wheaton, and Winfield. An impressive 2022 impact report is accessible here.

Other Needs and Opportunities
Information and updates on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for informative partner newsletters. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.

GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Easter Sunday

Matthew 28:1-10




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Sunday school resumes after easter

The following will be available after Easter;

The Study of Mark, Connor Brown teaching, The chapel

Continuing the conversation- Conference room

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

NEW: Christ and your workplace culture, taught by Mary Crickmore in Munson Hall

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


Booklets for holy week!

Pastor Dawn has created a simple booklet of readings for Holy Week. You can find them on the tables in Higher Grounds on Palm Sunday. If you will not be at church that Sunday, and would like to receive the readings, please reach out to Pastor Dawn to receive your copy.



Holy week 2023

The following events for Holy week will include;

This Friday 4/7 Good Friday service 7pm and a Children’s service at 10am

4/9 Easter service at 9:30am. There will be no Sunday school that day!


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary on April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

The Cans for Change, Love Offering
This coming Easter Sunday “The Cans for Change" will be collected and the Love Offering will be received for Covenant World Relief and Development. CWRD initiatives focus on disaster relief, clean water, and refugee response and journey.

Other Needs and Opportunities
Information and updates on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for informative partner newsletters. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.

GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:1-11




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Sunday school resumes after easter

The following will be available after Easter;

The Study of Mark, Connor Brown teaching, The chapel

Continuing the conversation- Conference room

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

NEW: Christ and your workplace culture, taught by Mary Crickmore in Munson Hall

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




makers Space workshop!

At the next Maker’s Space workshop, we will be experiencing God in a creative prayer, making crosses from broken, found or discarded items that the world doesn’t value, and making it into a work of God.  We will be praying in a physical way of making a cross, all the while allowing God to speak to you.  So, the week before, start to collect the things you find at home, on a walk, in an old drawer or in a parking lot, that you could use in or on a cross and bring them to our next workshop this Sunday, April 2, 4-6pm.  We will be exploring what the things God gives you that the world discards, can say to you about God.  These ideas are taken from the book, 

Making Crosses—A creative Connection to God, by Ellen Morris Prewitt.


a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


easter flower donations

The sanctuary will be decorated on Easter Sunday, April 9, with flowers placed in memory or in honor of friends and loved ones. You may also give a donation to the church for worship enhancements.  These donations will be used to purchase flowers for the Easter Sunday display and for other items that will enrich our worship experience.   

The Easter bulletin insert will have a list of names in whose memory or honor the flowers are given, as well as of those giving the memorials. Contributors are invited to take a plant home after the service on Easter.  Plants not claimed will be used to decorate the sanctuary in the weeks following Easter. 

For inclusion in the Easter bulletin, please complete the lower portion of the form and place it in the offering plate, along with your memorial or honorary gift, by this Sunday, APRIL 2ND*.  Checks can be made with the form or can be made by using the drop down menu for online giving. For further information, please contact the church office at or 630-450-5095. 


Booklets for holy week!

Pastor Dawn has created a simple booklet of readings for Holy Week. You can find them on the tables in Higher Grounds on Palm Sunday. If you will not be at church that Sunday, and would like to receive the readings, please reach out to Pastor Dawn to receive your copy.



Holy week 2023

The following events for Holy week will include;

This Sunday; Palm Sunday and the Instillation of Pastor Dawn Holt Lauber at 9:30am

4/7 Good Friday service 7pm and a Children’s service at 10am

4/9 Easter service at 9:30am. There will be no Sunday school that day!


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary on April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Love Offering: CWRD

The Love Offering this month and next month will be designated for Covenant World Relief and Development. Donations made via "The Cans for Change" will be collected on Easter Sunday. CWRD initiatives focus on disaster relief, clean water, and refugee response and journey.

Harbor Point Ministries: Staffing

Numerous staff have been hired for summer camps. Counselors and short-term volunteers, however, are still needed for Covenant Harbor. People 18 years of age and older are needed for the overnight camp and several specialty roles (e.g., lifeguard, worship lead). Internship credits and a wage grant are available to assist college students in participating. Flexible and time-limited work schedules are available as well. For example, volunteers for a week or two are needed.

Other Needs and Opportunities
Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for partner newsletters. Let Diane Brown know if you would like to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.

GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Habakkuk- Questions, Discomfort, & Trust

Habakkuk 3:1-19




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




makers Space workshop!

At the next Maker’s Space workshop, we will be experiencing God in a creative prayer, making crosses from broken, found or discarded items that the world doesn’t value, and making it into a work of God.  We will be praying in a physical way of making a cross, all the while allowing God to speak to you.  So, the week before, start to collect the things you find at home, on a walk, in an old drawer or in a parking lot, that you could use in or on a cross and bring them to our next workshop on Sunday, April 2, 4-6pm.  We will be exploring what the things God gives you that the world discards, can say to you about God.  These ideas are taken from the book, 

Making Crosses—A creative Connection to God, by Ellen Morris Prewitt.


a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


easter flower donations

The sanctuary will be decorated on Easter Sunday, April 9, with flowers placed in memory or in honor of friends and loved ones. You may also give a donation to the church for worship enhancements.  These donations will be used to purchase flowers for the Easter Sunday display and for other items that will enrich our worship experience.   

The Easter bulletin insert will have a list of names in whose memory or honor the flowers are given, as well as of those giving the memorials. Contributors are invited to take a plant home after the service on Easter.  Plants not claimed will be used to decorate the sanctuary in the weeks following Easter. 

For inclusion in the Easter bulletin, please complete the lower portion of the form and place it in the offering plate, along with your memorial or honorary gift, by Palm Sunday, APRIL 2ND*.  Checks can be made with the form or can be made by using the drop down menu for online giving. For further information, please contact the church office at or 630-450-5095. 


Holy week 2023

The following events for Holy week will include;

4/2 Palm Sunday and the Instillation of Pastor Dawn Holt Lauber at 9:30am

4/7 Good Friday service 7pm and a Children’s service at 10am

4/9 Easter service at 9:30am. There will be no Sunday school that day!


THE SEASON OF LENT Dwelling in Habakkuk

The season of Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, representing the forty days when Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of repentance and transformation as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and prepare for His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We set aside time to praise and worship God, to confess our sins and failures, and to commit to pray and study God’s Word more.


Sunday Morning Worship (Habakkuk: Questions, Discomfort, & Trust)

Wednesday Evening Small Groups*, March 1 – Next Wednesday March 29, 6:30 PM

*In person and online options


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary on April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Covenant World Relief & Development Update
Our church invites donations for the work of missions partner Covenant World Relief & Development (CWRD), the focus of our Love Offering this month and next. Contributions made via “The Cans for Change" will be collected on Easter Sunday. Soup can labels and lids for making a coin collection can are available in the atrium. Donations may also be made by check or via our church website.

CWRD initiatives focus on disaster relief, clean water, refugee response, and refugee journey. For example, CWRD has been working with partners to provide relief in response to the devastating Turkey-Syria earthquake. CWRD also addresses global food insecurity.

The Winter 2023 quarterly CWRD Update describes examples of long-term transformational work with global partners, and includes an update on its response to the war in Ukraine. More than $900,000 were donated to relief efforts in the region. And, through partnerships with Medical Teams International, World Relief, and the International Federation of Evangelical Covenant Churches, emergency medical care, hygiene kits, food and transportation, and trauma counseling have been provided for refugees in Poland, Moldova, and other nearby countries.

The CWRD Update also highlights a partnership with Hope International Ministries that is providing children’s camps, trauma counseling workshops for Ukrainian refugee women, housing in western Europe, and construction of emergency homes for those who are displaced within Ukraine.

Watch for more information here and in the missions display case in the atrium during the next few weeks.

Other Needs and Opportunities
Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for partner newsletters. Let Diane Brown know if you would like to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Habakkuk- Questions, Discomfort, & Trust

Habakkuk 2:6-20




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


easter flower donations

The sanctuary will be decorated on Easter Sunday, April 9, with flowers placed in memory or in honor of friends and loved ones. You may also give a donation to the church for worship enhancements.  These donations will be used to purchase flowers for the Easter Sunday display and for other items that will enrich our worship experience.   

The Easter bulletin insert will have a list of names in whose memory or honor the flowers are given, as well as of those giving the memorials. Contributors are invited to take a plant home after the service on Easter.  Plants not claimed will be used to decorate the sanctuary in the weeks following Easter. 

For inclusion in the Easter bulletin, please complete the lower portion of the form and place it in the offering plate, along with your memorial or honorary gift, by Palm Sunday, APRIL 2ND*.  Checks can be made with the form or can be made by using the drop down menu for online giving. For further information, please contact the church office at or 630-450-5095. 


Holy week 2023

The following events for Holy week will include;

4/2 Palm Sunday and the Instillation of Pastor Dawn Holt Lauber at 9:30am

4/7 Good Friday service 7pm and a Children’s service at 10am

4/9 Easter service at 9:30am. There will be no Sunday school that day!


THE SEASON OF LENT Dwelling in Habakkuk

The season of Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, representing the forty days when Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of repentance and transformation as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and prepare for His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We set aside time to praise and worship God, to confess our sins and failures, and to commit to pray and study God’s Word more.


Sunday Morning Worship (Habakkuk: Questions, Discomfort, & Trust)

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 26 – Next Sunday, 5 PM

Sunday Evening Soup Suppers, February 26 – March 19, 5:30 PM

Wednesday Evening Small Groups*, March 1 – March 29, 6:30 PM

*In person and online options


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary on April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Supporting Covenant World Relief & Development
During the coming weeks we are collecting funds in support of the work of our missions partner Covenant World Relief & Development (CWRD). Perhaps you have noticed the Covenant World Relief-labeled donation collection cans in the atrium. Children and parents alike are encouraged to take a can home or create their own to gather coins for CWRD for collection on Easter Sunday. Donations may also be made by check or via our church website. CWRD’s mission is “to join God in loving, serving, and working in relationship together with the poor, oppressed, traumatized, and marginalized.” CWRD’s website describes these initiatives—disaster relief, clean water, refugee response, and refugee journey. The values that guide how CWRD seeks to carry out its mission—such as representing the kingdom, working in mutual partnership with local organizations, strengthening local communities, and serving the most vulnerable—are also detailed there. Watch for more information here and in the missions display case in the atrium during the next few weeks.

Other Needs and Opportunities

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for partner newsletters. Let Diane Brown know if you would like to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Habakkuk- Questions, Discomfort, & Trust

Habakkuk 2:1-5




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


easter flower donations

The sanctuary will be decorated on Easter Sunday, April 9, with flowers placed in memory or in honor of friends and loved ones. You may also give a donation to the church for worship enhancements.  These donations will be used to purchase flowers for the Easter Sunday display and for other items that will enrich our worship experience.   

The Easter bulletin insert will have a list of names in whose memory or honor the flowers are given, as well as of those giving the memorials. Contributors are invited to take a plant home after the service on Easter.  Plants not claimed will be used to decorate the sanctuary in the weeks following Easter. 

For inclusion in the Easter bulletin, please complete the lower portion of the form and place it in the offering plate, along with your memorial or honorary gift, by Palm Sunday, APRIL 2ND*.  Checks can be made with the form or can be made by using the drop down menu for online giving. For further information, please contact the church office at or 630-450-5095. 


THE SEASON OF LENT Dwelling in Habakkuk

The season of Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, representing the forty days when Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of repentance and transformation as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and prepare for His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We set aside time to praise and worship God, to confess our sins and failures, and to commit to pray and study God’s Word more.


Sunday Morning Worship (Habakkuk: Questions, Discomfort, & Trust)

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 26 – March 19, 5 PM

Sunday Evening Soup Suppers, February 26 – March 19, 5:30 PM

Wednesday Evening Small Groups*, March 1 – March 29, 6:30 PM

*In person and online options


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary on April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Praying for Our Missions Partners
Our church supports several missionaries and local and international ministries and service agencies. The Missions Team invites you to intentionally pray for these individuals and organizations—four Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) missionary couples, three non-ECC missionary couples and three individuals, and several local and international agencies and ministries. Stop by the missions display case in the church atrium to see highlights of our missions partners.

Other Items

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for partner newsletters. Let Diane Brown know if you would like to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Habakkuk- Questions, Discomfort, & Trust

Habakkuk 1:12-17




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


THE SEASON OF LENT Dwelling in Habakkuk

The season of Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, representing the forty days when Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of repentance and transformation as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and prepare for His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We set aside time to praise and worship God, to confess our sins and failures, and to commit to pray and study God’s Word more.


Sunday Morning Worship (Habakkuk: Questions, Discomfort, & Trust)

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 26 – March 19, 5 PM

Sunday Evening Soup Suppers, February 26 – March 19, 5:30 PM

Wednesday Evening Small Groups*, March 1 – March 29, 6:30 PM

*In person and online options


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary on April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Home Altar Devotions This Week
Covenant Home Altar devotions for this week are provided by Eugenio. He and Pia are Evangelical Covenant Church missionaries serving church leaders and other missionaries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Along with the opportunity to join him and others in these devotions, this is a chance for special prayer time for Eugenio and Pia and their ministry. The devotions are available here.

Other Items

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our local and global missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for newsletters from our partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, shares how we may pray for our missionaries. The missions display case in the church atrium shows highlights of our missionaries and ministry partners.




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Habakkuk- Questions, Discomfort, & Trust

Habakkuk 1:1-11




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

 Your Family Story: Parenting with Purpose, taught by Dr. David and Tara Van Dyke, held in Munson Hall) 

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the financial team

2022 year-end statements have been mailed to all members and 4th quarter donors this week. If you have any questions or do not receive a statement, please contact Financial Secretary Wendy Miller ( or 630-596-6487).


Also, if you would like a box of numbered donation envelopes for giving via checks or cash, please pick up one on the table in the Higher Grounds coffee area.



a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


THE SEASON OF LENT Dwelling in Habakkuk

The season of Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, representing the forty days when Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of repentance and transformation as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and prepare for His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We set aside time to praise and worship God, to confess our sins and failures, and to commit to pray and study God’s Word more.


Ash Wednesday Service, Tonight, 6:30 PM

Sunday Morning Worship (Habakkuk: Questions, Discomfort, & Trust)

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 26 – March 19, 5 PM

Sunday Evening Soup Suppers, February 26 – March 19, 5:30 PM

Wednesday Evening Small Groups*, March 1 – March 29, 6:30 PM

*In person and online options


Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.



Missions Focus

Covenant Devotions Next Week
We have the chance for devotions next week with one of our missions partners. Covenant Home Altar devotions for the week of February 26 are authored by Eugenio. He and Pia are Evangelical Covenant Church missionaries serving church leaders and other missionaries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Along with his devotions, this is an opportunity for special prayer time for Eugenio and Pia and their ministry. Covenant Home Alter devotions for this Sunday, Feb. 26 are available here.

Love Offering
We will receive the Love Offering this coming Sunday, for “Every Kid a Camper,” in support of Harbor Point Ministries and scholarships for campers to attend Covenant Harbor and Covenant Point.

Other Items
Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our local and global missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for newsletters from our partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, shares how we may pray for our missionaries. The missions display case in the church atrium shows highlights of our missionaries and ministry partners




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Build on rock

Matthew 7:24-27




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

 Your Family Story: Parenting with Purpose ( This Sunday), taught by Dr. David and Tara Van Dyke, held in Munson Hall) 

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life






a message from the financial team

2022 year-end statements have been mailed to all members and 4th quarter donors this week. If you have any questions or do not receive a statement, please contact Financial Secretary Wendy Miller ( or 630-596-6487).


Also, if you would like a box of numbered donation envelopes for giving via checks or cash, please pick up one on the table in the Higher Grounds coffee area.




 Join us on Zoom each Thursday evening, 7:30-8:30pm as we discuss Pastor David Swanson’s “Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity”. 

All are welcome! 

Pastor Swanson is the Pastor of New Community Covenant Church, a multicultural congregation in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood, and speaks around the country on the topics of racial justice and reconciliation.  

If you are interested in joining, contact Darren Miller, Mary Crickmore, or the church office.


THE SEASON OF LENT Dwelling in Habakkuk

The season of Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, representing the forty days when Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of repentance and transformation as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and prepare for His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We set aside time to praise and worship God, to confess our sins and failures, and to commit to pray and study God’s Word more.


Ash Wednesday Service, February 22, 6:30 PM

Sunday Morning Worship (Habakkuk: Questions, Discomfort, & Trust)

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 26 – March 19, 5 PM

Sunday Evening Soup Suppers, February 26 – March 19, 5:30 PM

Wednesday Evening Small Groups*, March 1 – March 29, 6:30 PM

*In person and online options


Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.



Missions Focus

Celebrating 37 Years in Missions

This past Sunday we celebrated with Scott and Mary Crickmore the 37 years they served in missions. They shared a video of their time in Mali and then more information about their careers. Below is their intriguing biographical narrative.

In 1982 when Scott and Mary met on a New York-Paris-Tel Aviv TWA flight, Scott was a B-52 pilot in the Air Force Strategic Air Command nuclear deterrent force, and Mary was on the staff of Young Life in Oklahoma City. A year later they were married by Pastor Liljegren here at Glen Ellyn Covenant Church, where Mary grew up. They began to look for mission opportunities, focusing on unreached people groups. In March of 1985, during the African famine, they went to Mali short term with the Christian Reformed Church to manage transportation and distribution of food aid. They were invited to commit to a long-term ministry to the Fulani people group, who are Muslim herders.

In 1987 Scott and Mary moved into a Fulani village to do incarnational evangelism (identifying with and living like the local people to the extent possible) and development work. During the next 24 years, they lived part time in the village and part time in the capital, and worked on public health, access to veterinary help and animal medicine, literacy, land rights, irrigation, and Bible studies using the texts that were being produced by Wycliffe and the Norwegian Mission Society. They became involved in the Bible translation work for Fulani language variants in six countries using new computer software, and Scott coordinated an annual conference and training for all the Fulani translation teams. In 2006, the New Testament for Malian Fulani was dedicated. By 2025, some of those teams will have complete Bibles.

Since 2005, their roles shifted to more administration and support of nationals and younger missionaries. In response to an invitation from The Seed Company, Scott changed organizations in 2011 to support the funding of Bible translation projects full time. When they retired in November 2022, Scott was a regional director over 10 countries and Mary was a regional director throughout five countries. They both mentored younger people (with more energy!) who have taken over their roles.

Other Items

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for their newsletters. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, shares how we may pray for our missionaries. Our missions display case in the church atrium shows highlights of our missionaries and ministry partners.