GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Don’t you know?

Matthew 7:21-23




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

 Your Family Story: Parenting with Purpose ( Feb. 12, Feb. 19, taught by Dr. David and Tara Van Dyke, held in Munson Hall) 

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life






an update from the ark preschool

February is a big month at The Ark Preschool as we are gearing up for fall enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year. We started accepting applications on February 1st and classes are filling up very quickly!  If you have family, friends or neighbors with preschool age children, please have them call The Ark Office at 630-858-7755 or e-mail me ( for registration information.  Applications are located outside of my office and on The Ark Preschool website.


I want to thank those of you who donated to the Love Offering on January 29th.  All donations went towards The Ark Scholarship Fund which helps families who are unable to afford full tuition for their children due to a number of life circumstances.


We have a scholarship family in our Fours Afternoon Class that recently moved to West Chicago.  Due to only having one car, the family is having a hard time getting the child to and from preschool every day and is looking for someone to help transport him on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.  School starts at 12:30 and ends at 3:00.  Please contact myself or Lois Hanson if you would like to help and want additional information.

 Thank you for your support of The Ark ministry to our community and church family. 




 Join us on Zoom each Thursday evening, 7:30-8:30pm as we discuss Pastor David Swanson’s “Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity”. 

All are welcome! 

Pastor Swanson is the Pastor of New Community Covenant Church, a multicultural congregation in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood, and speaks around the country on the topics of racial justice and reconciliation.  

If you are interested in joining, contact Darren Miller, Mary Crickmore, or the church office.


A letter of thanks from the hudsons

Pastor Jeff and the Glen Ellyn Evang. Covenant Church,

We are so grateful for all the incredible support for our family during this very difficult time.

Thank you so much!

-The Hudson Family


Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.



Missions Focus

Celebrating 37 Years in Missions

This coming Sunday, we will hear from Scott and Mary Crickmore about their missions careers. They shared the following intriguing biographical narrative.

In 1982 when Scott and Mary met on a New York-Paris-Tel Aviv TWA flight, Scott was a B-52 pilot in the Air Force Strategic Air Command nuclear deterrent force, and Mary was on the staff of Young Life in Oklahoma City. A year later they were married by Pastor Liljegren here at Glen Ellyn Covenant Church, where Mary grew up. They began to look for mission opportunities, focusing on unreached people groups. In March of 1985, during the African famine, they went to Mali short term with the Christian Reformed Church to manage transportation and distribution of food aid. They were invited to commit to a long-term ministry to the Fulani people group, who are Muslim herders.

In 1987 Scott and Mary moved into a Fulani village to do incarnational evangelism (identifying with and living like the local people to the extent possible) and development work. During the next 24 years, they lived part time in the village and part time in the capital, and worked on public health, access to veterinary help and animal medicine, literacy, land rights, irrigation, and Bible studies using the texts that were being produced by Wycliffe and the Norwegian Mission Society. They became involved in the Bible translation work for Fulani language variants in six countries using new computer software, and Scott coordinated an annual conference and training for all the Fulani translation teams. In 2006, the New Testament for Malian Fulani was dedicated. By 2025, some of those teams will have complete Bibles.

Since 2005, their roles shifted to more administration and support of nationals and younger missionaries. In response to an invitation from The Seed Company, Scott changed organizations in 2011 to support the funding of Bible translation projects full time. When they retired in November 2022, Scott was a regional director over 10 countries and Mary was a regional director throughout five countries. They both mentored younger people (with more energy!) who have taken over their roles.


They will share more this Sunday, Feb. 12, briefly during the worship service and more in depth during the Sunday School hour. We hope you will be able to join us.


Other Items

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for their newsletters. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, shares how we may pray for our missionaries. Our missions display case in the church atrium shows highlights of our missionaries and ministry partners.




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Bearing Fruit

Matthew 7:15-20




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Starting this Sunday January 22nd – Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

 Starting next Sunday January 29th – Your Family Story: Parenting with Purpose (Three-week class Jan. 29, Feb. 12, Feb. 19, taught by Dr. David and Tara Van Dyke, held in Munson Hall) 

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life







The GEECC book club is starting a new book on January 26th!  Join us on Zoom each Thursday evening, 7:30-8:30pm as we discuss Pastor David Swanson’s “Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity”. 

All are welcome! 

Pastor Swanson is the Pastor of New Community Covenant Church, a multicultural congregation in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood, and speaks around the country on the topics of racial justice and reconciliation.  

If you are interested in joining, contact Darren Miller, Mary Crickmore, or the church office.


Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.



Missions Focus

Ministry Partner Update: Glen Ellyn Food Pantry

 In its January 23, 2023 newsletter, the Pantry reported that with the increase in grocery prices it is experiencing an especially busy start to the new year and that extra help is needed, due to the surge in need. On one recent day, for example, the Pantry welcomed 17 new families and distributed nearly 500 bags of food, compared with 100 bags of food distributed on many days in the summer of 2020. The Pantry indicated that it has had generous community support and is doing its best to meet the challenges of the current economy.

The “Winter Top Needs” listed in the newsletter last week are jarred pasta sauce, canned tomato sauce/tomato paste, canned beef stew/sloppy joes, coffee/tea, cooking oil, mayonnaise/salad dressing, Club crackers, toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, and liquid hand soap. The most-needed items on a week-to-week basis are shown on the Pantry’s homepage and Facebook page.


Join in a Ministry Celebration

Looking ahead, we hope you will be able to join us at church Sunday, Feb. 12 in celebrating with Scott and Mary on their 37-year missions ministries. We will provide more information about them in the GE COV newsletter next week and they will share about their ministries on Feb. 12.


Other Items

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partner websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, shares how we may pray for our missionaries. Our missionaries and ministry partners are highlighted in the missions display case in the church atrium.




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

The Golden Rule

Matthew 7:12-14




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Starting this Sunday January 22nd – Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

 Starting next Sunday January 29th – Your Family Story: Parenting with Purpose (Three-week class Jan. 29, Feb. 12, Feb. 19, taught by Dr. David and Tara Van Dyke, held in Munson Hall) 

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life





 The Ark Preschool’s Love Offering will be collected during worship this Sunday, January 29th.  The Love Offering is collected in support of The Ark Preschool's Scholarship Fund.  This fund helps families who are unable to afford full tuition for their children due to a number of life circumstances.  We thank you for your continued prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. 




The GEECC book club is starting a new book on January 26th!  Join us on Zoom each Thursday evening, 7:30-8:30pm as we discuss Pastor David Swanson’s “Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity”. 

All are welcome! 

Pastor Swanson is the Pastor of New Community Covenant Church, a multicultural congregation in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood, and speaks around the country on the topics of racial justice and reconciliation.  

If you are interested in joining, contact Darren Miller, Mary Crickmore, or the church office.


Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.



Missions Focus

A Note of Thanks

Our congregation’s Annual Meeting always prompts me to reflect back on the year that has passed, and the many ways that I’ve seen God working through our congregation.  Thank you, church family, for the many ways that you helped support our missions partners in 2022!

· For faithfully reading the prayer letter and missionary newsletters, and “praying without ceasing” for our missionaries around the world

·For corresponding with our missionaries, and adding notes of encouragement to the missionary Christmas letters

·For those who took the call to “Go!” literally and travelled to Ghana and Belgium to encourage our missionaries in person!

· For being the hands and feet of Christ in our local community, by assisting refugees through World Relief, stocking the shelves at Repeat boutique, praying for clients in need at Walk-in Ministries, serving at clients at the food pantry, and in so many other practical ways

·For many of you who served on the boards that support our ministry partners, locally and abroad

· For the nearly $144,200 that you approved in the missions budget to support our ministry partners

·For the $50,000 that you approved for the “Missions Opportunity Fund” to support innovative new missions initiatives

 On behalf of the missions committee and our ministry partners, THANK YOU for responding to God’s call to be a part of building His kingdom.


Other Items

 Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partner websites. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, shares how we may pray for our missionaries. The missions display case in the church atrium shows highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. 




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Just ask!

Matthew 7:7-11




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Starting this Sunday January 22nd – Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

 Starting next Sunday January 29th – Your Family Story: Parenting with Purpose (Three-week class Jan. 29, Feb. 12, Feb. 19, taught by Dr. David and Tara Van Dyke, held in Munson Hall) 

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life





 The Ark Preschool’s Love Offering will be collected during worship on Sunday, January 29th.  The Love Offering is collected in support of The Ark Preschool's Scholarship Fund.  This fund helps families who are unable to afford full tuition for their children due to a number of life circumstances.  We thank you for your continued prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. 



Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.



Missions Focus

Missions Partner Highlight: Update

Tarcisio, our ministry partner with “Firm Foundation” ministry in Zimbabwe, shared this update: The National Children’s Camp was very successful—a record 5,300 children participated, and scholarships were provided to more than 3,000. He said: “It was awesome to see so many kids learning about Jesus and having fun together.” Tarcisio also expressed gratitude for our prayers and support this past year, as well as for God’s protection over and provision for all the needs of the camp. To learn more about Tarcisio visit Firm Foundation’s webpage.

Other Items

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners are available from Darren Miller via and the missions partner websites. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, provides information on how we may pray for our missionaries. The missions display case in the church atrium shows highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. 




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Judging Others

Matthew 7:1-6




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



The Maker’s Space grew out of our congregation of GEECC in 2013, and is going into our 9th year of meetings of many different people. It is a place where we welcome creativity in our lives and introduce our creative Creator to our friends in our community. It is a safe place where you and your friends will feel welcomed. This year’s sessions will focus on Creative Prayer, using art to have a conversation with God. Having a conversation with a friend requires listening as well as talking, and we will be using art as a tool in the conversation process, especially when there are no words to describe our emotions. We will explore different kinds of prayer using different art mediums.

The final session is Jan. 15, with Guest Artist Alison Tisdale Régnier “Paint your Heart Out” 5-7pm in Munson Hall

Read more and


Thank you from the bischoffs

Dear Church Family,

Paul and I would like to express our gratitude for all your prayers, cards, and wonderful meals while I was recovering from my knee replacement surgery. We felt your concern, and love and care.

We feel privileged to be apart of our church family.

Thank you.

Blessings, Jayne Bischoff.


Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

 Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.





 Dear Glen Ellyn Covenant Church,

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my role as Director of Children’s Ministries. What has caused this resignation is the relocation of my family to Arizona. My last day will be Thursday, January 26th, 2023.

 To ease the transition after my departure, I am happy to assist you with any training tasks during my final weeks on the job including meeting with the necessary people to make sure tasks are delegated so the children’s ministries on Sundays can continue until you are able to find my replacement.

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the knowledge and experience I’ve gained by working here. I’ve felt so loved and supported by your church throughout my time here. I’m very grateful for the time I’ve spent on staff and as a congregant. It’s been a pleasure working for you, and I hope our paths will cross again in the future.



Crystal N. White




Missions Focus

Praying for Our Missions Partners

 Our church supports several missionaries and local and international ministries and service agencies. The Missions Team invites you to intentionally pray for these organizations and for each of our missionaries.  

Ongoing needs and opportunities with the ministries and service agencies are available from Darren Miller, via Prayer requests are listed in the GE COV Prayer Letter, available from Diane Brown. For highlights and updates about our missionaries and missions partners, occasionally stop by the missions display case in the church atrium to see what’s new.




GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Do not worry

Matthew 6:25-34




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Thank you to all who donated towards our Friends of The Ark Campaign. Donations can be mailed to the church and please write "Friends of The Ark Donation" in the memo.  Your gift impacts the lives of the children at The Ark by helping to maintain a strong program and providing financial assistance for families who cannot afford full tuition for their children.


Registration for the 2023-2024 school year starts on February 1st. We will be hosting a Prospective Parent Open House for families new to The Ark next Thursday, January 12 from 6:00pm-7:00pm.  Families will have the opportunity to tour the classrooms, meet our teachers and learn more about our Christian Preschool Program. Can you help us to spread the word?  We start accepting applications (located outside of The Ark Office and on our website) on February 1st and classes are formed in the beginning of March.  If you have family, friends or neighbors with preschool age children, please have them call The Ark Office at 630-858-7755 or e-mail me ( for registration information.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!


Ark preschool dine out!

The Ark Preschool's next dine out fundraiser is on Tuesday, January 10th from  11:00 a.m. until 9:00 PM for dine in or carry out. We thank you for your support!


Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

 Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.





 Dear Glen Ellyn Covenant Church,

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my role as Director of Children’s Ministries. What has caused this resignation is the relocation of my family to Arizona. My last day will be Thursday, January 26th, 2023.

 To ease the transition after my departure, I am happy to assist you with any training tasks during my final weeks on the job including meeting with the necessary people to make sure tasks are delegated so the children’s ministries on Sundays can continue until you are able to find my replacement.

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the knowledge and experience I’ve gained by working here. I’ve felt so loved and supported by your church throughout my time here. I’m very grateful for the time I’ve spent on staff and as a congregant. It’s been a pleasure working for you, and I hope our paths will cross again in the future.



Crystal N. White




Missions Focus

Missions Partner Highlight: News from Julius in Belgium
In his most recent newsletter, Julius and Heleen expressed gratitude for the support they receive, saying that it is a blessing to them. He said “Together with the Spirit’s enablement and your support . . .” they are supporting ten Ukrainian families with a variety of needs and ministering hope through the Gospel; preaching the Gospel; planted a Church and had two baptisms in November; and started a kid’s ministry which Heleen is leading along with Svetlana, a Ukrainian sister. Through this small, newly planted church with an average attendance of 14 to 20 Julius said God is reaching people there from several countries.

Other Items
For details on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller, write to, or visit the websites of the missions partners of interest. Also consider being added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters.  The missions display case has highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter shares information on how we may pray for our missionaries. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the Prayer Letter distribution list. 



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



New Years Day Breakfast Potluck




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Thank you to all who donated towards our Friends of The Ark Campaign. Donations can be mailed to the church and please write "Friends of The Ark Donation" in the memo.  Your gift impacts the lives of the children at The Ark by helping to maintain a strong program and providing financial assistance for families who cannot afford full tuition for their children.


Registration for the 2023-2024 school year starts on February 1st. We will be hosting a Prospective Parent Open House for families new to The Ark on Thursday, January 12 from 6:00pm-7:00pm.  Families will have the opportunity to tour the classrooms, meet our teachers and learn more about our Christian Preschool Program. Can you help us to spread the word?  We start accepting applications (located outside of The Ark Office and on our website) on February 1st and classes are formed in the beginning of March.  If you have family, friends or neighbors with preschool age children, please have them call The Ark Office at 630-858-7755 or e-mail me ( for registration information.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!



Sunday School – On January 8th, Sunday School will resume.

                If you would like to volunteer to help, sign ups can be found in Higher Grounds.

Church Office Closed —December 26th – December 30th. (Church Staff still available by email and cell and mail will still function)

New Year’s Day –New Year’s Potluck Breakfast Church service. Sunday January 1st, 9:30am in the FLC. Please bring a breakfast item to share.



Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

 Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.




year end donations

 Thank you for your generosity to the Lord’s ministry through Glen Ellyn Covenant Church during the past year! Any year end donations must be received at the church or postmarked by December 31 to be considered a 2022 gift for tax purposes.

  • While the church office will be closed Dec. 26-30, donations can be sent by mail to the church. Please check with the local US Post Office as holiday collection schedules can vary.

  • Donations by credit card or EFT can be made online at  (deadline to be considered at 2022 gift: 11:59pm on Dec. 31).

Any questions, please contact Wendy Miller, Financial Secretary ( or 630-596-6487) or Brad Rosengren, Treasurer ( 



Missions Focus

Special Christmas Giving Opportunities

 The third unique giving opportunity we highlight this week was brought to our attention by our partners Carl and Karen who are ministering to refugees and asylum-seekers in Thailand. They could use help supporting a couple of families of parents and youth. The specific needs and opportunities are:  

• Medical (financial support for challenging costs of monthly medications for a young man with a chronic stomach and intestinal condition)

• Immigration: Visas to country of immigration (gifts to a matching savings program for the costs to enter Canada); and Travel Preparation (gifts to support purchase of items needed before departure) 

• Youth Group Dream (to go together to experience the beach).  

 Gifts to help with any of these items may be made via this Evangelical Covenant Church Serve Globally donation link.  Please contact Darren Miller and the Missions Committee with any questions.

Other Opportunities 

 For details on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller, write to, or visit the websites of the missions partners of interest. Also consider being added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters.  The missions display case has highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter shares information on how we may pray for our missionaries. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the Prayer Letter distribution list. 



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.




Luke 2:1-20




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Thank you to all who donated towards our Friends of The Ark Campaign. Donations can be mailed to the church and please write "Friends of The Ark Donation" in the memo.  Your gift impacts the lives of the children at The Ark by helping to maintain a strong program and providing financial assistance for families who cannot afford full tuition for their children.


Registration for the 2023-2024 school year starts on February 1st. We will be hosting a Prospective Parent Open House for families new to The Ark on Thursday, January 12 from 6:00pm-7:00pm.  Families will have the opportunity to tour the classrooms, meet our teachers and learn more about our Christian Preschool Program. Can you help us to spread the word?  We start accepting applications (located outside of The Ark Office and on our website) on February 1st and classes are formed in the beginning of March.  If you have family, friends or neighbors with preschool age children, please have them call The Ark Office at 630-858-7755 or e-mail me ( for registration information.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!



Sunday School – On January 8th, Sunday School will resume.

                If you would like to volunteer to help, sign ups can be found in Higher Grounds.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – Saturday, December 24th at 5pm.

Christmas Morning Church Service – Sunday December 25th. 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary. 

Church Office Closed —December 26th – December 30th. (Church Staff still available by email and cell and mail will still function)

New Year’s Day –New Year’s Potluck Breakfast Church service. Sunday January 1st, 9:30am in the FLC. Please bring a breakfast item to share.




The Worship Arts Committee is a group of fabulously creative and thoughtful followers of Jesus.

This Advent Season, the group was interested in what it might look like to help create some of

the spoken liturgy.  Through conversation and brief teaching, several people gladly chose to engage

in the writing of the Advent Candle liturgy.  I wanted to let the whole church know what a

wonderful step forward this was into truly having worship become ‘the work of the people’. 

As a launching pad, I created the liturgy for the First Sunday of Advent.  Following . . .

·         Second Sunday of Advent:  Kriste Sveen

·         Third Sunday of Advent:  Becca Rosengren

·         Fourth Sunday of Advent:  Meg Tillman

·         Christmas Eve:  Peter Johnson

Thankful for these fellow travelers, and their contribution to our collective worship this Advent Season.



Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

 Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.




year end donations

 Thank you for your generosity to the Lord’s ministry through Glen Ellyn Covenant Church during the past year! Any year end donations must be received at the church or postmarked by December 31 to be considered a 2022 gift for tax purposes.

  • While the church office will be closed Dec. 26-30, donations can be sent by mail to the church. Please check with the local US Post Office as holiday collection schedules can vary.

  • Donations by credit card or EFT can be made online at  (deadline to be considered at 2022 gift: 11:59pm on Dec. 31).

Any questions, please contact Wendy Miller, Financial Secretary ( or 630-596-6487) or Brad Rosengren, Treasurer ( 



Missions Focus

Special Christmas Giving Opportunities

 The third unique giving opportunity we highlight this week was brought to our attention by our partners Carl and Karen who are ministering to refugees and asylum-seekers in Thailand. They could use help supporting a couple of families of parents and youth. The specific needs and opportunities are:  

• Medical (financial support for challenging costs of monthly medications for a young man with a chronic stomach and intestinal condition)

• Immigration: Visas to country of immigration (gifts to a matching savings program for the costs to enter Canada); and Travel Preparation (gifts to support purchase of items needed before departure) 

• Youth Group Dream (to go together to experience the beach).  

 Gifts to help with any of these items may be made via this Evangelical Covenant Church Serve Globally donation link.  Please contact Darren Miller and the Missions Committee with any questions.

Other Opportunities 

 For details on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller, write to, or visit the websites of the missions partners of interest. Also consider being added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters.  The missions display case has highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter shares information on how we may pray for our missionaries. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the Prayer Letter distribution list. 



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.





Luke 1: 46-55




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Thank you to all who donated towards our Friends of The Ark Campaign. Donations can be mailed to the church and please write "Friends of The Ark Donation" in the memo.  Your gift impacts the lives of the children at The Ark by helping to maintain a strong program and providing financial assistance for families who cannot afford full tuition for their children.


Registration for the 2023-2024 school year starts on February 1st. We will be hosting a Prospective Parent Open House for families new to The Ark on Thursday, January 12 from 6:00pm-7:00pm.  Families will have the opportunity to tour the classrooms, meet our teachers and learn more about our Christian Preschool Program. Can you help us to spread the word?  We start accepting applications (located outside of The Ark Office and on our website) on February 1st and classes are formed in the beginning of March.  If you have family, friends or neighbors with preschool age children, please have them call The Ark Office at 630-858-7755 or e-mail me ( for registration information.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!



Sunday School – We will have Sunday school on the following days. Nov. 27th, December 4th.

                                We will NOT have Sunday School beginning December 11th until January 8th, 2023.

                                On January 8th, Sunday School will resume.

Lucia – Please Join us on December 11th for our annual Lucia service at 5pm in the sanctuary.

                If you would like to volunteer to help, sign ups can be found in Higher Grounds.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – Saturday, December 24th at 5pm.

Christmas Morning Church Service – Sunday December 25th. 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary. 

Church Office Closed December 26th – December 30th. (Church Staff still available by email and cell and mail will still function)

New Year’s Day –New Year’s Potluck Breakfast Church service. Sunday January 1st, 9:30am in the FLC.



A message from the psrc

 In this season of giving we want to remember our faithful staff members with a cash gift in recognition of their diligent work during the past year. There are many ways to contribute: with a separate check, in your regular giving, or electronically.  In all cases, write "staff gift" in the memo line of your check or on your regular envelope.  

Please try to get your gifts to the church by Sunday, December 18th.  This year of coming out of Covid has been especially challenging for the staff and this is a tangible way we can express our appreciation.

 --Don Holt for the Pastoral and Staff Relations Committee



Missions Focus

Special Christmas Giving Opportunities

 The third unique giving opportunity we highlight this week was brought to our attention by our partners Carl and Karen who are ministering to refugees and asylum-seekers in Thailand. They could use help supporting a couple of families of parents and youth. The specific needs and opportunities are:  

• Medical (financial support for challenging costs of monthly medications for a young man with a chronic stomach and intestinal condition)

• Immigration: Visas to country of immigration (gifts to a matching savings program for the costs to enter Canada); and Travel Preparation (gifts to support purchase of items needed before departure) 

• Youth Group Dream (to go together to experience the beach).  

 Gifts to help with any of these items may be made via this Evangelical Covenant Church Serve Globally donation link.  Please contact Darren Miller and the Missions Committee with any questions.

Other Opportunities 

 For details on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller, write to, or visit the websites of the missions partners of interest. Also consider being added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters.  The missions display case has highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter shares information on how we may pray for our missionaries. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the Prayer Letter distribution list. 



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.





Isaiah 11:1-10




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Join us on December 11th for the annual Lucia service, serving a great reminder that God’s light shines through even in our darkest times. The service begins at 5pm in the Sanctuary, with a reception to follow in the FLC. If you would like to volunteer to help, sign ups can be found in Higher Grounds.

All are welcomed!

“While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” -John 9:5



Sunday School – We will have Sunday school on the following days. Nov. 27th, December 4th.

                                We will NOT have Sunday School beginning December 11th until January 8th, 2023.

                                On January 8th, Sunday School will resume.

Lucia – Please Join us on December 11th for our annual Lucia service at 5pm in the sanctuary.

                If you would like to volunteer to help, sign ups can be found in Higher Grounds.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – Saturday, December 24th at 5pm.

Christmas Morning Church Service – Sunday December 25th. 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary. 

Church Office Closed December 26th – December 30th. (Church Staff still available by email and cell and mail will still function)

New Year’s Day –New Year’s Potluck Breakfast Church service. Sunday January 1st, 9:30am in the FLC.



The NUMINOUS exhibit is now open in the sanctuary.  Parents, take some time to show your children the paintings exhibiting Awe and Wonder.  Ask them to "wonder" about the inspiration of the artist.  Bob Brown's original animal photos along with his witty captions will delight all ages.


Come enjoy New Nepali International Church’s Christmas program on Saturday!


Glen Ellyn Covenant Family,

Our sister congregation, New Nepali International Church, has invited us to join them for their upcoming Christmas caroling program on December 10 2022, from 10am-4:30pm, in the sanctuary.  There will be a short Christmas message, singing, dancing, and lunch.  Let’s come together and rejoice in the birth of our Savior, Jesus!  If you have any questions, please email Darren Miller or the church office.



Missions Focus

Special Christmas Giving Opportunities

 Following up on the mention last week of unique needs among people being served by three missions partners who our church supports financially, this week we highlight a need that was brought to our attention by Julius and Heleen in Belgium. Through their Ukrainian ministry there, they are helping two Ukrainian refugee families acquire housing.

 One family is a mother (Maria) with five children ranging in ages up to 17. The other family is a mother (Svetlana), her parents, and 8-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son. This family is engaged in Julius’ church plant, and they have become friends. A little financial support has been raised for housing for each family, but substantial additional support is still needed for rent and utilities for the upcoming year ($13,200 per family). They are grateful for what God has already provided, including summer jobs for two teenagers in one family and a rental house identified and furniture provided for the other family. It is hoped that in the coming year the families will continue settling in—learning the Dutch language, acclimating to school (for the children), finding jobs (for the mothers), and securing housing.


Donations to these Ukrainian refugee families’ housing needs may be made via with this link by designating “Julius Hagan – Relief Funds.” Please contact Darren Miller and the Missions Committee with any questions.


Missionary Christmas Letters

 Christmas letters for sending greetings to our missionaries will be available on a table in the atrium through this coming Sunday, Dec. 11.


Urbana Student Missions Conference

 If you are interested in the Urbana Missions Conference in Indianapolis Dec. 28 – 31, please contact Pastor Jeff or Darren Miller (


Other Opportunities

For details for on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller, write to, or visit the websites of the missions partners of interest. Also consider being added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters.

The missions display case has highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter shares information on how we may pray for our missionaries. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the Prayer Letter distribution list.