Our Purpose

In response to the call of God and in the unity of the Spirit, our purpose as a
church family is to make known the good news of saving faith in Jesus Christ,
to enable our congregation to live and grow under his Lordship, and to reach
out with the gospel to our community and the world, in partnership with the
Evangelical Covenant Church and its Central Conference.

Our vision

God invites us to be active participants in his redemptive purpose for all of creation. This is a wonderful calling. Our vision to accomplish God’s purpose is threefold. As we humble ourselves and rely on God, He will enable us to GROW in His grace and love (Eph. 4:1-16), to GATHER together in the unity of Christ (Acts 2:42-47), and to GO in the power of Holy Spirit to participate in his redemptive purposes (Matt. 28:18-20).
