Adult Sunday School

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL meets Sundays 11 am-12 pm, immediately after morning worship, from September to May, in Munson Hall.


Kickoff Sunday is September 8th with a potluck following our worship service

Pastor Dawn and Pastor Jeff lead a class on “Faithfulness in Presence, Prayer, and Giving” on Sundays September 15th, 22nd and 29th.

Dr. Dennis Edwards, Dean of North Park Theological Seminary, will lead our Sunday School on October 6th, teaching from his book, Humility Illuminated: A Biblical Path to Christian Character. This is a great choice for any small group looking for their next study.

Emily Lee leads three sessions on Living a Life of Wisdom: A thematic study on James on October 20th, 27th, and November 3rd.

Dr. David Lauber, Dean of Humanities and Bible Theology, leads three sessions on Orthodoxy, Heresy, and True Worship, on November 10th, 17th, and 24th.

Pastor Jeff and Pastor Dawn lead a three session Membership Class offered during the Sunday School hour October 20th, 27th, and November 3rd.

Chaplain Mary Miller, of Covenant Living Holmstad, leads a class on “Navigating Grief During the Holidays” on December 8th.

President Tammy Swanson-Draheim, President of the Evangelical Covenant Denomination, will preach and lead Sunday School on December 15th.

Dr. Nathan Clayton, Associate Professor of Old Testament at North Park Theological Seminary, leads three sessions on Worship and the Psalms, on January 26, February 2 and 9, 2025,


Men’s Intergenerational Evening Bible Study meets EVERY Wednesday from 6-7pm

Pastor Jeff leads a study on the Book of Luke Winter/Spring 2025 meeting dates: Every Wednesday except for January 22nd and April 2nd.

WOW-Women of the word: Our Women’s Intergenerational Bible Study (two options) meets every other WINTER/SPRING 2025:

Monday/Tuesday. Pastor Dawn leads a study on Philippians. Choose the evening or daytime option every other week:
Mondays at Pastor Dawn’s home, 6:45 PM. Winter dates: January 13, 27, February 10, 24, and March 10,24.
Tuesdays in Higher Grounds at church, 9:30 AM. Winter dates: January 14, 28, February 11, 25, and March 11, 25.

Moms Together 2025

meets in the church library on Tuesdays from 9:30-11 AM – opposite weeks of the women’s Bible Study.  Starting on January 21 Allison Borton leads a time of conversation and encouragement for moms of preschoolers and school-aged children.

Discipleship Groups

Starting this January 2025. Please connect with Pastor Dawn to help with our monthly dinners or to learn more about discipleship groups.

Our online Bible Study options

meet every Tuesday at 9:30 AM, studying the book of John, and Saturdays 8-9:30 AM, discussing the next day’s sermon passage. To inquire about both: please email Wendy Miller for the zoom link.

men’s and women’s ministry events

Men’s Pancake Breakfast — November 16, 9 AM — Home of Pastor Jeff.

Women’s Christmas Tea — December 16 — has been cancelled

young adult supper club and conversation

Our Young Adut Supper Club happens on the last Monday of each month, starting at 6:30 PM, in rotationg homes. Fall dates:

September 30 — Home of Lisa and Eric Fowler — “Building Community”

October 28 — Home of Dawn and David Lauber — “Patience, Joy, and Contentment in Transition”

November 28 — Home of Paul and Jayne Bischoff — “The Life of Jesus”

Monday December 16 — Home of Jeff and Jori Root, Christmas Party, gift exchange.

We have new and exciting offerings for our Young Adult Ministry this fall. We are beginning Discipleship Groups: 3-4 young adults connected with a “seasoned adult” from our congregation. Please connect with Pastor Dawn to help with our monthly dinners or to learn more about discipleship groups.


Please see Pastor Dawn if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like suggestions for study.


Mondays 7-8 PM on Zoom. ID 859 848 614 Password: geecc

Wednesdays 10-11AM in person prayer, in the church library.

All are invited to join either or both of these times of prayer for the needs of our congregation and the world.

See Jayne Bischoff ( for more details or to submit a prayer request.

Windsor Lunch 2025

Lunch with our pastors at Covenant Living of Windsor every 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 11:30-12:30PM. Winter/Spring 2025 dates: January 9, 23, February 6, 20, March 6, 20.
Meet in the Bistro and bring your own lunch.


We especially need door Greeters (welcome people to church) and Connectors (direct families to their classrooms). If you are interested in helping out at church, below are some exciting new and existing hospitality roles:

Usher: At the doors to the sanctuary, they provide bulletins to every congregant and help people find seating.

Coffee Host: They brew and set up the coffee station in High Grounds for the morning. They also engage with visitors during the coffee hour.

Door Greeter: Located at the east and west entrances of the church, they open the door for visitors and welcome them inside. They will also assist visitors based on their needs.

Connector: Just inside each entrance, they help answer questions and direct visitors to the appropriate location, whether it is the sanctuary, nursery, or children’s ministry.

Parking Lot Attendant: Starting in the Fall, they direct visitors to the best available parking spot. If the lot is full, they help visitors navigate alternative parking locations.

Click the link to sign up!