GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Just ask!

Matthew 7:7-11




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Starting this Sunday January 22nd – Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

 Starting next Sunday January 29th – Your Family Story: Parenting with Purpose (Three-week class Jan. 29, Feb. 12, Feb. 19, taught by Dr. David and Tara Van Dyke, held in Munson Hall) 

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life





 The Ark Preschool’s Love Offering will be collected during worship on Sunday, January 29th.  The Love Offering is collected in support of The Ark Preschool's Scholarship Fund.  This fund helps families who are unable to afford full tuition for their children due to a number of life circumstances.  We thank you for your continued prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. 



Men’s Ministry Update

Covenant Point Men's Retreat: Feb. 24-26, 2023

Each year, Covenant Point hosts a men’s retreat for Covenant Churches in the Midwest.  We have had a number of men from our church attending this annual event in years past.  Whether there is one, or a dozen men from our church, it has always been a great time of fellowship, worship, and learning.  Please check out the link below to learn more (and register if you wish).

 2023 Men’s Retreat Covenant Point Bible Camp

 7pm Friday, Feb 24 – 10am Sunday, Feb 26

Come for a weekend of fun, fellowship, meaningful conversation, and worship.  Invite your friends for the excellent food, good times, and life-giving worship and messages. Recreational opportunities include a broomball tournament, afternoon jam session (bring your own instrument), snowshoeing, cross-country skiing on our groomed trails, sauna and polar bear dip, or games and conversation in the dining hall.

Check-in begins at 7:00 PM on Friday, with our first gathering at 8:00 PM.



Missions Focus

Missions Partner Highlight: Update

Tarcisio, our ministry partner with “Firm Foundation” ministry in Zimbabwe, shared this update: The National Children’s Camp was very successful—a record 5,300 children participated, and scholarships were provided to more than 3,000. He said: “It was awesome to see so many kids learning about Jesus and having fun together.” Tarcisio also expressed gratitude for our prayers and support this past year, as well as for God’s protection over and provision for all the needs of the camp. To learn more about Tarcisio visit Firm Foundation’s webpage.

Other Items

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners are available from Darren Miller via and the missions partner websites. The GE COV Prayer Letter, available via Diane Brown, provides information on how we may pray for our missionaries. The missions display case in the church atrium shows highlights of our missionaries and missions partners.