GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.





Isaiah 11:1-10




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Join us on December 11th for the annual Lucia service, serving a great reminder that God’s light shines through even in our darkest times. The service begins at 5pm in the Sanctuary, with a reception to follow in the FLC. If you would like to volunteer to help, sign ups can be found in Higher Grounds.

All are welcomed!

“While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” -John 9:5



Sunday School – We will have Sunday school on the following days. Nov. 27th, December 4th.

                                We will NOT have Sunday School beginning December 11th until January 8th, 2023.

                                On January 8th, Sunday School will resume.

Lucia – Please Join us on December 11th for our annual Lucia service at 5pm in the sanctuary.

                If you would like to volunteer to help, sign ups can be found in Higher Grounds.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – Saturday, December 24th at 5pm.

Christmas Morning Church Service – Sunday December 25th. 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary. 

Church Office Closed December 26th – December 30th. (Church Staff still available by email and cell and mail will still function)

New Year’s Day –New Year’s Potluck Breakfast Church service. Sunday January 1st, 9:30am in the FLC.



The NUMINOUS exhibit is now open in the sanctuary.  Parents, take some time to show your children the paintings exhibiting Awe and Wonder.  Ask them to "wonder" about the inspiration of the artist.  Bob Brown's original animal photos along with his witty captions will delight all ages.


Come enjoy New Nepali International Church’s Christmas program on Saturday!


Glen Ellyn Covenant Family,

Our sister congregation, New Nepali International Church, has invited us to join them for their upcoming Christmas caroling program on December 10 2022, from 10am-4:30pm, in the sanctuary.  There will be a short Christmas message, singing, dancing, and lunch.  Let’s come together and rejoice in the birth of our Savior, Jesus!  If you have any questions, please email Darren Miller or the church office.



Missions Focus

Special Christmas Giving Opportunities

 Following up on the mention last week of unique needs among people being served by three missions partners who our church supports financially, this week we highlight a need that was brought to our attention by Julius and Heleen in Belgium. Through their Ukrainian ministry there, they are helping two Ukrainian refugee families acquire housing.

 One family is a mother (Maria) with five children ranging in ages up to 17. The other family is a mother (Svetlana), her parents, and 8-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son. This family is engaged in Julius’ church plant, and they have become friends. A little financial support has been raised for housing for each family, but substantial additional support is still needed for rent and utilities for the upcoming year ($13,200 per family). They are grateful for what God has already provided, including summer jobs for two teenagers in one family and a rental house identified and furniture provided for the other family. It is hoped that in the coming year the families will continue settling in—learning the Dutch language, acclimating to school (for the children), finding jobs (for the mothers), and securing housing.


Donations to these Ukrainian refugee families’ housing needs may be made via with this link by designating “Julius Hagan – Relief Funds.” Please contact Darren Miller and the Missions Committee with any questions.


Missionary Christmas Letters

 Christmas letters for sending greetings to our missionaries will be available on a table in the atrium through this coming Sunday, Dec. 11.


Urbana Student Missions Conference

 If you are interested in the Urbana Missions Conference in Indianapolis Dec. 28 – 31, please contact Pastor Jeff or Darren Miller (


Other Opportunities

For details for on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller, write to, or visit the websites of the missions partners of interest. Also consider being added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters.

The missions display case has highlights of our missionaries and missions partners. The GE COV Prayer Letter shares information on how we may pray for our missionaries. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the Prayer Letter distribution list.