GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Habakkuk- Questions, Discomfort, & Trust

Habakkuk 2:6-20




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Next steps

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


easter flower donations

The sanctuary will be decorated on Easter Sunday, April 9, with flowers placed in memory or in honor of friends and loved ones. You may also give a donation to the church for worship enhancements.  These donations will be used to purchase flowers for the Easter Sunday display and for other items that will enrich our worship experience.   

The Easter bulletin insert will have a list of names in whose memory or honor the flowers are given, as well as of those giving the memorials. Contributors are invited to take a plant home after the service on Easter.  Plants not claimed will be used to decorate the sanctuary in the weeks following Easter. 

For inclusion in the Easter bulletin, please complete the lower portion of the form and place it in the offering plate, along with your memorial or honorary gift, by Palm Sunday, APRIL 2ND*.  Checks can be made with the form or can be made by using the drop down menu for online giving. For further information, please contact the church office at or 630-450-5095. 


Holy week 2023

The following events for Holy week will include;

4/2 Palm Sunday and the Instillation of Pastor Dawn Holt Lauber at 9:30am

4/7 Good Friday service 7pm and a Children’s service at 10am

4/9 Easter service at 9:30am. There will be no Sunday school that day!


THE SEASON OF LENT Dwelling in Habakkuk

The season of Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, representing the forty days when Jesus was tested in the wilderness.

Lent is a time of repentance and transformation as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, and prepare for His resurrection on Easter Sunday. We set aside time to praise and worship God, to confess our sins and failures, and to commit to pray and study God’s Word more.


Sunday Morning Worship (Habakkuk: Questions, Discomfort, & Trust)

Sunday Evening Prayer, February 26 – Next Sunday, 5 PM

Sunday Evening Soup Suppers, February 26 – March 19, 5:30 PM

Wednesday Evening Small Groups*, March 1 – March 29, 6:30 PM

*In person and online options


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary on April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Supporting Covenant World Relief & Development
During the coming weeks we are collecting funds in support of the work of our missions partner Covenant World Relief & Development (CWRD). Perhaps you have noticed the Covenant World Relief-labeled donation collection cans in the atrium. Children and parents alike are encouraged to take a can home or create their own to gather coins for CWRD for collection on Easter Sunday. Donations may also be made by check or via our church website. CWRD’s mission is “to join God in loving, serving, and working in relationship together with the poor, oppressed, traumatized, and marginalized.” CWRD’s website describes these initiatives—disaster relief, clean water, refugee response, and refugee journey. The values that guide how CWRD seeks to carry out its mission—such as representing the kingdom, working in mutual partnership with local organizations, strengthening local communities, and serving the most vulnerable—are also detailed there. Watch for more information here and in the missions display case in the atrium during the next few weeks.

Other Needs and Opportunities

Information on ongoing needs and opportunities with our partners is available from Darren Miller via and the missions partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for partner newsletters. Let Diane Brown know if you would like to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.