GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.



Sunday Sermon

Luke 24:13-25




“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Sunday school

The Study of Mark, Connor Brown teaching, The chapel

Continuing the conversation- Conference room

Next Steps: Discerning God’s Will for Our Lives, a class for Young Adults (college-aged and 20-somethings, taught by Pastor Dawn and Dr. David Lauber, held in the North Alcove)

NEW: Christ and your workplace culture, taught by Mary Crickmore in Munson Hall

-Pastor Dawn Lauber, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life




a message from the children’s ministry

There are great things happening in our Children’s Ministry!

Every week, the kids have been actively engaging with Sunday School lessons, activities and worship. They’ve played, sang worship songs, made crafts, and learned lessons regarding God’s love for them and his people.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, who enjoy working with the kids to plant kingdom seeds in their hearts. They have stepped out beautifully during this time of transition!

While we have wonderful volunteers, we are still in need of more to serve our children!

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve, please consider helping with children’s ministry. It is a perfect opportunity to spread the love of Jesus!

‘But Jesus said to them “Let the children come to me! Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” -Matthew 19:14


makers space may 21st!

"God's the potter, we're the clay. And we pass on that creativity as we live among God's people."

 In our May Maker's Space we'll be exploring the creation of a soup bowl: using texture, shape, design and pattern in our clay bowl and our lives.  Even if you have not experienced one of our creative sessions, you are welcome to come and bring a friend and see how prayer can happen without words.  God always has something to say to you if you pause long enough to listen.  Just let us know if you are coming so we can have your supplies ready. No experience necessary.  Email us at



Women’s spring salad supper and service event!

We are excited to launch our Women’s Ministries Events for 2023-2024 at our SPRING SALAD SUPPER AND SERVICE EVENT, tomorrow, Thursday, April 20 in the Family Life Center.

“Punch bowl” begins at 6 pm with dinner starting at 6:30 pm. Bring a salad to share. Dessert and drinks will be provided. There will be an opportunity to hear more about our events for the coming year and how you can get involved. Invite a friend, neighbor, or family member!

The service portion of our evening includes donation items for Outreach Community Ministries. Please bring (as able) one of the high priority items listed below. We will also write cards of encouragement for young moms who are part of Outreach. 

If you have any questions or would like to help that evening, contact Pastor Dawn at dawn.lauber@gecovenant. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Diapers (sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and Pull-ups for boys and girls

Garbage bags

Sponges and Sponges with scrubby side

Laundry detergent (preference for Gain, Tide or Kirkland brands)


Rev. Dawn Holt Lauber

Associate Pastor of Congregational Life

Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church




men’s breakfast

Men of all ages are invited to the Glen Ellyn Covenant Church MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST, This Saturday April 22, 8 am in the Family Life Center. Guest speaker is Coach Jeff Peltz.


celebrating 50 years of hope

Outreach is celebrating their 50th anniversary this Saturday April 22nd!

There’s a lot happening so use the link to check out the fun events that are happening!



Missions Focus

Praying for our Missions Partners
We support several missionaries and local and international ministries and service agencies. The Missions Team invites you to intentionally pray for these organizations and for each of our missionaries.

Other Needs and Opportunities
Information and updates on ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners is available from Darren Miller via and the partners’ websites. Let Darren know if you would like to be added to the distribution list for informative partner newsletters. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes our missionaries.