GE COV Weekly Newsletter 6/25/24

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-13


Praise to the Lord the Almighty - And They’ll Know We Are Christians

This I Believe - Do It Again

The Church’s One Foundation


Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

In the Life of a Believer

In the Life of the Church

Dear Church,

We continue in our sermon series on the Holy Spirit: Ephesians 4 this Sunday, and Romans 8 for July 7. I am thankful to have Will Bennink in our pulpit this week preaching on the unity and maturity of the Church from Ephesians 4. On July 7, I will preach from Romans 8:16-28 and how the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, especially in our lowest days of life when we do not have the strength to even form the words of a prayer.

Hope you can join us for worship this Sunday!

The Lord be with you! Pastor Dawn 



The Office will be closed on July 4 and 5.

Because of this, there will be no Newsletter or Prayer Letter sent out next week.

I hope you all have a blessed week.



The whole month of June is recognized as a time to honor and pray for refugees which we did in our June 16 service. Women’s Ministries donated items for a “Welcome to America” pack that was delivered to a family in May.

If you would like more ways to get involved with Exodus World service, follow this link here.

Information is also located on our bulletin boards around church. See Pastor Dawn for more details.


All Church Summer BBQ: June 26

Our third All Church Summer BBQ will be June 26, 5-7pm at Covenant Living at Windsor Park.

You can find Visitor Parking in the lot on the NW corner of the campus. The Lakeside Terrace is the NE corner and an easy walk.

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Fire pits: June 27

For the months of June, July, and August we will have Fire Pits every other Thursday at various locations.

Our next Student Ministries Fire Pit will be at the Linhardt Family Home on June 27 at 7pm. See Joseph Sawyer for directions.

We still have one available slot! Click the link to sign up!


Windsor Lunch: July 11

There will be no Windsor Lunch on Thursday June 26 because Pastor Dawn is at the Annual Meeting. The next Windsor Lunch will be July 11 at 11:30. Meet at the Bistro and bring your own lunch.


The Ark Preschool: Staff Opening

We ask our Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church members for your prayers as we begin the search for a new teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.  If you or anyone you may know have an interest in this ministry and would like to find out more about this part-time position, please contact Holly Pelsor at 630-858-7755 or by email: by July 15th. 

Thank you for your prayers and continued support for The Ark Preschool.

The Ark Preschool: Students

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


The Ark Preschool: Kilwins Event July 16

Mark your calendars! On July 16th, 12-4pm there will be a Family Day Event for the Ark Preschool.


Front Door Ministry

ATTENTION: We have many openings available for our Front Door Ministry during the months of June and July. This ministry is essential to the hospitality of our church. We hope you will consider joining. We need you!

Click the link to sign up!


Worship Arts News

Thank you to all who have submitted artwork for our Holy Spirit sermon series this Summer. All are still invited to share their artistic gifts for our alcove.


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 

The next book will be Everything Sad is Untrue: Daniel Nayeri’s memoir as a Christian refugee from Iran growing up in Oklahoma. More details to follow.


Church Prayer Meeting

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: There will not be a Zoom prayer meeting from June through August.

You can send a prayer request to Jayne Bischoff ( who will forward all requests to the Prayer Partners

Please mark if a request is confidential.

Thank you, have a blessed Summer! Jayne Bischoff

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10


Missions Focus: Repeat Boutique

Repeat Boutique Need

This local partner is experiencing tremendously increased demand and as a result is in great need of more clothing and household items as well as additional volunteers. A non-denominational Christian, volunteer service ministry, Repeat Boutique serves neighbors in need, refugees referred by World Relief, pastors, and missions workers. Visit Repeat Boutique's website for information on how to donate and to contact the organization if interested in volunteering.


GE COV Weekly Newsletter 6/21/24

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-21


Blessed Assurance - Build Your Kingdom Here

How Great Thou Art - Give Thanks

Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here - Christ our Hope in Life and Death


Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

In the Life of a Believer

In the Life of the Church

Dear Church,

We continue in our sermon series on the Holy Spirit, turning from Galatians to Ephesians (3:14-21).

Paul’s exquisite prayer asks for Christ to dwell in and among the Christians in Ephesus (and also here in Glen Ellyn!) that they would have the strength and power of the Holy Spirit to know the love of Jesus and be filled with the fullness of God.

Hope you can join us for worship this Sunday!

The Lord be with you! Pastor Dawn 


Worship Arts News

Thank you to all who have submitted artwork for our Holy Spirit sermon series this Summer. All are still invited to share their artistic gifts for our alcove.

Here is an opportunity to support one of our church artists. Kriste Sveen’s artwork will be featured at the event listed below.


Young Adult Supper Club: June 24

All young adults are invited to our next Supper Club at the home of Pastor Dawn (10 Union Cir) this Monday, June 24th at 6:30pm.

Any in our congregation who are interested in supporting this ministry with food or hosting, please see Pastor Dawn.


All Church Summer BBQ: June 26

Our third All Church Summer BBQ will be June 26, 5-7pm at Covenant Living at Windsor Park.

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Fire pits: June 27

For the months of June, July, and August we will have Fire Pits every other Thursday at various locations.

Our next Student Ministries Fire Pit will be at the Linhardt Family Home on June 27 at 7pm. See Joseph Sawyer for directions.

We still have one available slot! Click the link to sign up!


Windsor Lunch: July 11

There will be no Windsor Lunch on Thursday June 26 because Pastor Dawn is at the Annual Meeting. The next Windsor Lunch will be July 11 at 11:30. Meet at the Bistro and bring your own lunch


Pasta Zin Fundraiser

The Pasta Zin Fundraiser was a big success! A big thank you to Diane Brown for the the recipe and all the organizing. Thank you to the students for making and preparing all the delicious food. We raised $2,192.39! Thank you to all who gave to Unite 2024 and Student Ministries trips!


Front Door Ministry

ATTENTION: We have many openings available for our Front Door Ministry during the months of June and July. This ministry is essential to the hospitality of our church. We hope you will consider joining. We need you!

Click the link to sign up!


The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


The Ark Preschool: Kilwins Event July 16

Mark your calendars! On July 16th, 12-4pm there will be a Family Day Event for the Ark Preschool.


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 

The next book will be Everything Sad is Untrue: Daniel Nayeri’s memoir as a Christian refugee from Iran growing up in Oklahoma. More details to follow.


Church Prayer Meeting

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: There will not be a Zoom prayer meeting from June through August.

You can send a prayer request to Jayne Bischoff ( who will forward all requests to the Prayer Partners

Please mark if a request is confidential.

Thank you, have a blessed Summer! Jayne Bischoff

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10


Missions Focus: Repeat Boutique

Repeat Boutique Need

This local partner is experiencing tremendously increased demand and as a result is in great need of more clothing and household items as well as additional volunteers. A non-denominational Christian, volunteer service ministry, Repeat Boutique serves neighbors in need, refugees referred by World Relief, pastors, and missions workers. Visit Repeat Boutique's website for information on how to donate and to contact the organization if interested in volunteering.


GE COV Weekly Newsletter 6/14/24

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: Galatians 5:13-26


O for a Thousand Tongues - Come Thou Fount

Speak O Lord - Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

10,000 Reasons - Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me


Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

IN the Life of a Believer

IN THE Life of the Church

Last week in worship, we focused on the Holy Spirit in the book of Galatians.

In Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia, he challenges them (and us) to consider: Who do we worship? Who do we follow? To whose family do we belong?

We receive the Holy Spirit because of who we are in Christ – and who we are in Christ is free, forgiven, heirs with Jesus in the family of God, beloved children of God.

This Sunday, we remain in Galatians as we reflect on the Fruit of the Spirit and how we live by the Spirit and keep in step with the Spirit. Join us for worship in person or wherever you are this weekend.

May you know that the Lord is with you! Pastor Dawn 


A Word from the Central Conference Superintendent, Rev. Danny Martinez

Blessings to you and your church. The Lord has placed on our hearts a desire to start a movement for men in our conference. This is a part of “Moving Mission Forward” in the Central Conference this year. We will continue to work with Women, Youth and Children’s Ministries, but are striving to get our Men’s movement started.

Our first step is getting our men's leaders together and we now have our first opportunity. We are inviting all men to a screening of a new movie called "The Forge." This is a Christian movie and focuses on discipleship among young men. There is no cost for this showing, but reserving a spot is required. Please note that this initial event is not exclusively just for men, and additional guests may attend (men or women).

There are only 120 spaces available to our conference and they will go fast. We realize that location is an issue, so we will keep you posted when it is available to churches outside of Illinois. However, we encourage you to make it a point to inspire your men to rise up and be counted. 

This is a first effort to gather the men in our conference. In the fall, we will also gather to offer some training and fellowship. Thanking you in advance for your help in this matter.

Bless you, Pastor Danny

If you are interested, reach out to Pastor Dawn ASAP to reserve your spot. The event is June 18, 7PM at Regal Cantera (28250 Diehl Rd).

*Our church is also planning to gather a group for the 6:45PM showing of The Forge at Studio Movie Grill on August 22.


Student and Children’s Ministries Movie: June 18

We will have a movie showing of Inside Out 2 on June 18 at 3pm for rising 4th graders - 12th graders at the Glen Art Theater (540 Crescent Blvd).

Don’t miss out on the fun! See you at the movies!

For more information, see Joseph Sawyer or Susan Cornett.


All Church Summer BBQ: June 19

Our second All Church Summer BBQ will be June 19, 5-7pm at the home of Jon and Andrea Martin.

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Fire pits: June 20

For the months of June, July, and August we will have Fire Pits every other Thursday at various locations.

Our next Student Ministries Fire Pit will be at the Casey Family Home on June 20 at 7pm. See Joseph Sawyer for directions.

We still have one available slot! Click the link to sign up!


Worship Arts Event: June 22

Dear GEECC Artists,

Thank you to all who have submitted artwork for our Holy Spirit sermon series this Summer. All are still invited to share their artistic gifts for our alcove.

Here is an opportunity to support one of our church artists. Kriste Sveen’s artwork will be featured at the event listed below.


Front Door Ministry

ATTENTION: We have many openings available for our Front Door Ministry during the months of June and July. This ministry is essential to the hospitality of our church. We hope you will consider joining. We need you!

Click the link to sign up!


The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Church Prayer Meeting

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: There will not be a Zoom prayer meeting from June through August.

You can send a prayer request to Jayne Bischoff ( who will forward all requests to the Prayer Partners

Please mark if a request is confidential.

Thank you, have a blessed Summer! Jayne Bischoff

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10


Mission Focus: Repeat Boutique

Repeat Boutique Need

This local partner is experiencing tremendously increased demand and as a result is in great need of more clothing and household items as well as additional volunteers. A non-denominational Christian, volunteer service ministry, Repeat Boutique serves neighbors in need, refugees referred by World Relief, pastors, and missions workers. Visit Repeat Boutique's website for information on how to donate and to contact the organization if interested in volunteering.


GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: Galatians 3:26-4:7


Be Thou My Vision

Who You Say I Am (I’m a Child of God)

Good, Good Father


Children of the Heavenly Father


Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

IN the Life of a Believer

IN THE Life of the Church

We continue in our sermon series on the Holy Spirit. This is a topical sermon series (like last summer), so we’re moving through different places in the Bible.

We began in Acts 2 on Pentecost Sunday, when God poured out His Spirit on all believers for all time. Then we turned to John’s gospel, when Jesus met with His disciples in the upper room, for a final time before His crucifixion. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would always be with them. The Holy Spirit would be their Advocate, Comforter, Truth-Teller, and Counselor.

For the next few weeks, we will reflect on the Holy Spirit at work in the early churches in Galatia, Ephesus, and Rome.

We hope you will join us in church! 

May you know the Lord is with you always, Pastor Dawn 


Worship Arts

Dear GEECC Artists,

Here is a new opportunity to use your gifts as artists for the visual enhancement of our congregation's worship.  As you know, Pastor Dawn has been doing a series of sermons on the Holy Spirit starting this Sunday and throughout the summer months. She has asked us as artists to contribute to the worship services by reflecting upon the selected scriptures and noticing what the Lord is showing you in your heart. If you visually try and represent this thought from the Holy Spirit, others can be blessed.  We never know if this message is for us or for someone in our congregation, we just need to be obedient to give the message.  All gifts of the Spirit become easier to discern with practice as does practice of your medium.  You have all demonstrated that you have enough of the skills to let your message be seen.  Thank you for sharing your gifts in the past, and I hope and pray that you will consider using your artistic gifts in the future of our congregation as you are led. May you have a meaningful time meditating on these Scriptures.

For more info, see Pastor Dawn or Kriste Sveen.


Front Door Ministry

ATTENTION: We have many openings available for our Front Door Ministry during the months of June and July. This ministry is essential to the hospitality of our church. We hope you will consider joining. We need you!

Click the link to sign up!


K-12 Dodgeball: June 8

We will have a Co-Ed Dodgeball Tournament on June 8 at 5pm for rising 1st graders - 12th graders.

This will be one of the many events and activities planned for this Summer at GEECC.

For more information, contact Susan Cornett ( or see the poster outside the sanctuary.

Bring you friends and neighbors. Let’s play some dodgeball and eat some pizza!

Click the link to sign up!


Pasta Zin Lunch Fundraiser: June 8 and 9

Calling all Jr and Sr Highers! On June 8 we are going to need a small army of chefs to help us prepare for the Pasta Zin Lunch Fundraiser.

Meet at the church at 10am. There will be donuts!

Pasta Zin Lunch Fundraiser after the service on June 9th in the Family Life Center.

Prepare for an outstanding dining experience put on by the Student Ministries Squad.

Donations go towards Unite 2024 and future student ministries mission trips.

Bring your appetites!


All Church Summer BBQ: June 12

Our first All Church Summer BBQ will be June 12, 5-7pm at the home of Drew and Melissa Elliot.

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Fire pits: June 20

For the months of June, July, and August we will have Fire Pits every other Thursday at various locations.

Our next Student Ministries Fire Pit will be at the Casey Family Home on June 20 at 7pm. See Joseph Sawyer for directions.

We still have one available slot! Click the link to sign up!


The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Church Prayer Meeting

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: There will not be a Zoom prayer meeting from June through August.

You can send a prayer request to Jayne Bischoff ( who will forward all requests to the Prayer Partners

Please mark if a request is confidential.

Thank you, have a blessed Summer! Jayne Bischoff

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10


Mission Focus

Impacting Lives With Clean Water Access
The importance and impact of clean water access are highlighted in the Spring newsletter of Covenant World Relief and Development (CWRD). Through the story of the work of a CWRD partner in a rugged area of Honduras, we learn how clean water can transform lives.

CWRD was the focus of our recent “Cans for Change” collection and related giving during Lent. Part of the Evangelical Covenant Church’s Serve Globally mission priority, CWRD “works through local partners around the world to reduce human suffering for the most vulnerable people and support healthy communities.”

Celebrating Multi-Cultural Chicagoland Welcome
World Relief Chicagoland recently celebrated 45 years of welcoming new neighbors into our communities. A local agency partner that we support via our General and Missions budget, World Relief Chicagoland is part of a national network within World Relief—a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to “boldly engage the world’s greatest crises in partnership with the church.”

Locally, WRC comes alongside refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations to help them rebuild their lives (World Relief Chicagoland). In partnership with the church and community support, WRC provides Immigration Legal Services, including running an Asylum Legal Clinic, Adult Education support teaching English to those who have no literacy all the way up to career-specific language courses, and an Immigrant Family Services program that spans employment and economic opportunity, refugee resettlement, case management, intensive medical case management, support with southern border arrivals and asylum seekers, children and youth support, a mental health clinic, and housing assistance. All these amazing things happen alongside 1,200+ volunteers. Learn more here.”

- Rosie Gardner at Glen Ellyn Covenant Church

- Stephanie Clark at World Relief Chicagoland


GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: John 15:26-16:1-15


Holy, Holy, Holy

Come People of the Risen King


We Will Feast in the House of Zion



Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

IN the Life of a Believer

IN THE Life of the Church

Last week in worship, we turned to John’s gospel to reflect on God’s generous invitation of love, offered to each one of us, through Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-26).

This Sunday, we welcome Andrew Lauber (my son) to our pulpit, preaching from John’s gospel 15-16: The Work of the Spirit of Truth. Andrew is in his third and final year of the MDiv program at North Park Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Favor, live in Chicago and attend New Community Covenant Church in Bronzeville. 

Join us for worship this Sunday! May you know the Lord is with you always, Pastor Dawn 


All Church Summer BBQ: POSTPONED

ATTENTION: Our first All Church Summer BBQ has been postponed to June 12 and will be at the home of Drew and Melissa Elliot.

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Firepits: June 6

Starting on June 6, we will have Student Ministries Firepits every Thursday at 7pm.

The first Firepit will be at the Lopez Family Home. See Joseph Sawyer for directions.

Click the link to sign up!


K-12 Dodgeball: June 8

We will have Co-Ed Dodgeball on June 8 at 5pm for rising 1st graders - 12th graders.

This will be one of the many events and activities planned for this Summer at GEECC.

For more information, contact Susan Cornett ( or see the poster outside the sanctuary.

Bring you friends and neighbors. Let’s play some dodgeball!


Pasta Zin Lunch Fundraiser: June 9

Pasta Zin Lunch Fundraiser after the service on June 9th in the Family Life Center.

Prepare for an outstanding dining experience put on by the Student Ministries Squad.

Donations go towards Unite 2024 and future student ministries mission trips.

Bring your appetites!


The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


Front Door Ministry

If you are interested in helping out at church, below are some exciting new and existing hospitality roles:

Usher, Coffee Host, Door Greeter, and Connector.

Click the link to sign up!


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Church Prayer Meeting

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: There will not be a Zoom prayer meeting from June through August.

You can send a prayer request to Jayne Bischoff ( who will forward all requests to the Prayer Partners

Please mark if a request is confidential.

Thank you, have a blessed Summer! Jayne Bischoff

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10


GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: John 14:16-26


Immortal Invisible

Christ our Hope in Life and Death

Spirit of the Living God

Reckless Love

How Deep the Father’s Love

There is a Redeemer


Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

IN the Life of a Believer

IN THE Life of the Church

Last week in worship, we started our Summer Sermon Series on the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, the day the Holy Spirit descended on all believers (Acts 2:1-41). I posed these questions to consider God’s movement in our lives as we work for His Kingdom:

What story of “God at work in your life” will you tell someone today, this week?

How has God uniquely prepared you for the work of His Kingdom?

How is God caring for you personally – and help you share the stories of God’s faithfulness through Jesus with others?

This Sunday, we turn to John’s gospel as we reflect on who the Holy Spirit is for us and for the church (John 14:16-26). Join us for worship in person or wherever you are on this Memorial Day weekend.

May the Lord go with you! Pastor Dawn 


All Church Summer BBQ: June 5

Our first All Church Summer BBQ is at the home of Pastor Dawn (10 Union Cir.) on Wednesday, June 5th from 5-7pm. Bring your meat to grill, a side dish to share, and enjoy the summer evening together!

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Pasta Zin Lunch Fundraiser: June 9

Pasta Zin Lunch Fundraiser after the service on June 9th in the Family Life Center.

Prepare for an outstanding dining experience put on by the Student Ministries Squad.

Donations go towards Unite 2024 and future student ministries mission trips.

Bring your appetites!


The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


Front Door Ministry

If you are interested in helping out at church, below are some exciting new and existing hospitality roles:

Usher: At the doors to the sanctuary, they provide bulletins to every congregant and help people find seating.

Coffee Host: They brew and set up the coffee station in High Grounds for the morning. They also engage with visitors during the coffee hour.

Door Greeter: Located at the east and west entrances of the church, they open the door for visitors and welcome them inside. They will also assist visitors based on their needs.

Connector: Just inside each entrance, they help answer questions and direct visitors to the appropriate location, whether it is the sanctuary, nursery, or children’s ministry.

Parking Lot Attendant: Starting in the Fall, they direct visitors to the best available parking spot. If the lot is full, they help visitors navigate alternative parking locations.

Click the link to sign up!


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Student Ministry Updates

For the month of May on Thursdays we will have Hangouts at the church from 7-8pm.

We will start our Summer Fire Pits on Thursday, June 6th. Click the link to sign up!

There will be K-12 Dodgeball on Saturday, June 8th from 5-6:00pm.


Church Prayer Meeting

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: There will not be a Zoom prayer meeting from June through August.

You can send a prayer request to Jayne Bischoff ( who will forward all requests to the Prayer Partners

Please mark if a request is confidential.

Thank you, have a blessed Summer! Jayne Bischoff

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10


Missions focus

Covenant Church of Congo and the Paul Carlson Partnership

Jesus is known in the breaking of bread, and as his followers, so are we! Pastor Dawn and several of us from the missions team enjoyed a lovely time of fellowship with our visitors from the Paul Carlson Partnership.

We had the opportunity to learn more about Glen Ellyn Covenant’s long-standing relationship with the churches in Congo. Our guests shared memories of Dr. Paul Carlson, whom we supported even before he began his ministry in Congo. As we exchanged stories, it became evident that the Church in Congo and in the U.S. share many of the same problems. For example: apathy among younger people and a growing Islamic presence.

We are so thankful for this opportunity to further tighten the tie that binds us in Christian love and look forward to hearing more about the powerful work the Covenant in Congo is accomplishing for the Kingdom.


GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: Acts 2:1-13 & Joel 2:28-32


Lord, You are Good and Your Mercy Endures Forever

This I Believe (The Creed)

King of Kings

Goodness of God

The Stand

We will Glorify


Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

IN the Life of a Believer

IN THE Life of the Church

This week in worship, we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and all believers, after Jesus’ ascension to heaven (Acts 2:1-13, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people”). Pentecost is often referred to as the birth of the church as 3,000 believers were added to their number that day – and that momentum of growth has never ceased!

Our next sermon series begins this week and will take us all the way through the summer months, as we reflect on the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church. We will hear from Acts, John’s gospel, Paul’s letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, and Romans, and the book of Revelation. When Pastor Jeff returns, we will consider the presence of the Holy Spirit in Genesis, the prophets, and the Psalms.

Peace, Pastor Dawn 


Treasurer’s Report

Below is a recap of the Treasurer’s Report at our recent quarterly congregational meeting.

There is much to be grateful for here at GEECC. We are thankful for the gifts given so far this year. They are helping to fund the commitment we made a few years ago to nourish and grow this congregation. And we are seeing the fruits of that commitment with pews filled, Sunday school classes very well attended, increases in activities, and even a completely full parking lot on recent Sunday mornings. It is exciting to be a part of this!

As is common at this time of the year, our giving is not keeping up with our expenses. Historically, we receive about 20% of our donations in December; therefore, we rely on our reserves to carry us through until then. However, this year we are facing two challenges. First, because of the cost of replacing our boiler last winter, we started the year with a much smaller reserve. Secondly, we are finally fully staffed, which has increased our compensation commitment. Being fully staffed is an awesome blessing, but it also means much of our monthly operating expenses can’t be deferred and the pace of the use of our reserves has quickened.

We are all investing together in the ministry of GEECC – whether our gifts are large or small. Part of our worship is through the gifts we give, and God is glorified in that. Please prayerfully consider how the Spirit might be leading you in response to our current challenge. But let us also hold on to the truth that this is Christ’s church and in Him we place our trust.


Writer’s Workshop: May 19

The next Writer’s Workshop will be May 19th, 4-6pm, in the Family Life Center.

If able, please write your stories ahead of time. You can also bring a copy on the day of the class. Suggested topics include an important person, place, or event in your life. They should be about a page long.

You can email your drafts to or drop off physical copies to Don Holt at church or his home (10 Union Circle).


The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


Young Adult Supper Club: May 20

All young adults are invited to our next Supper Club at the home of Joseph Sawyer (502 Byron Ct.) this Monday, May 20th at 6:30pm.

Any in our congregation who are interested in supporting this ministry with food or hosting, please see Pastor Dawn.


All Church Summer BBq: June 5

Our first All Church Summer BBQ is at the home of Pastor Dawn (10 Union Cir.) on Wednesday, June 5th from 5-7pm. Bring your meat to grill, a side dish to share, and enjoy the summer evening together!

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Front Door Ministry

If you are interested in helping out at church, below are some exciting new and existing hospitality roles:

Usher: At the doors to the sanctuary, they provide bulletins to every congregant and help people find seating.

Coffee Host: They brew and set up the coffee station in High Grounds for the morning. They also engage with visitors during the coffee hour.

Door Greeter: Located at the east and west entrances of the church, they open the door for visitors and welcome them inside. They will also assist visitors based on their needs.

Connector: Just inside each entrance, they help answer questions and direct visitors to the appropriate location, whether it is the sanctuary, nursery, or children’s ministry.

Parking Lot Attendant: Starting in the Fall, they direct visitors to the best available parking spot. If the lot is full, they help visitors navigate alternative parking locations.

Click the link to sign up!



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with many of our small groups. New ones are still starting and forming!

Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices. Email Pastor Dawn at


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Student Ministry Updates

For the month of May on Thursdays we will have Hangouts at the church from 7-8pm.

Sunday, May 19th after church, we will clean out the gym closet. Donuts and bagels for any helpers!

We will start our Summer Fire Pits on Thursday, June 6th. Click the link to sign up!

There will be K-12 Dodgeball on Saturday, June 8th from 5-6:30pm.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

Covenant Church of Congo and the Paul Carlson Partnership

Jesus is known in the breaking of bread, and as his followers, so are we! Last Sunday, after worship, Pastor Dawn and several of us from the missions team enjoyed a lovely time of fellowship with our visitors from the Paul Carlson Partnership.

We had the opportunity to learn more about Glen Ellyn Covenant’s long-standing relationship with the churches in Congo. Our guests shared memories of Dr. Paul Carlson, whom we supported even before he began his ministry in Congo. As we exchanged stories, it became evident that the Church in Congo and in the U.S. share many of the same problems. For example: apathy among younger people and a growing Islamic presence.

We are so thankful for this opportunity to further tighten the tie that binds us in Christian love and look forward to hearing more about the powerful work the Covenant in Congo is accomplishing for the Kingdom.


GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: luke 24: 44-53


All Hail the power of jesus’ Name!

Before the throne




Rev. President duale and Paul Carlson Partnership

This coming Sunday, May 12, we have the privilege of welcoming Rev. President Theophile Duale, President of the Covenant Church of Congo, and his wife, Josephine. Renee Hale and Becky Dangel from the Paul Carlson Partnership (PCP), one of our long-time missions partners, will also be with us.

The Partnership’s mission is: “To catalyze the holistic growth of healthy families and communities in places of deep poverty.” The organization works with partners in Africa and elsewhere to support local healthcare efforts and economic development. Founded and grounded in the Gospel, PCP works with partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo to create solutions that endure over time and throughout generations.

Based in Chicago, PCP is a 501(c)(3) affiliate ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church. We hope you will be able to join us for this very special worship opportunity.


Jim Flewellen Memorial Service: May 11

We mourn the loss of our dear friend Jim Flewellen, who passed away this past Sunday. Pray for his wife, Lorene, and their children.

The Memorial Service is Saturday, May 11th at 1:30 PM. It will be located at A.S. Turner & Sons Funeral Home (2773 N. Decatur Rd, Decatur, GA 30033).

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorial donations be made to Friends of Refugees. You can give by going to:, and make a donation to the Jolly Ave. Garden, dedicated in Jim's honor.

More information can be found at this link:


All Church Work Day: May 11

Our next all church work day is on Saturday, May 11th. We will be working around the church; weeding, trimming and spreading mulch. Feel free to stay and help out as long as you like.

Kids are welcomed to come with their parents and help out!

Saturday, May 11th, WORK OUTSIDE BEGINS @ 9:00am-12pm

Please consider bringing your own garden tools and gloves! Coffee and donuts will be provided!

See you then!


Front Door Ministry

If you are interested in helping out at church, below are some exciting new and existing hospitality roles:

Usher: At the doors to the sanctuary, they provide bulletins to every congregant and help people find seating.

Coffee Host: They brew and set up the coffee station in High Grounds for the morning. They also engage with visitors during the coffee hour.

Door Greeter: Located at the east and west entrances of the church, they open the door for visitors and welcome them inside. They will also assist visitors based on their needs.

Connector: Just inside each entrance, they help answer questions and direct visitors to the appropriate location, whether it is the sanctuary, nursery, or children’s ministry.

Parking Lot Attendant: Starting in the Fall, they direct visitors to the best available parking spot. If the lot is full, they help visitors navigate alternative parking locations.

Click the link to sign up!


Writer’s Workshop: May 19

The next Writer’s Workshop will be May 19th, 4-6pm, in the Family Life Center.

If able, please write your stories ahead of time. You can also bring a copy on the day of the class. Suggested topics include an important person, place, or event in your life. They should be about a page long.

You can email your drafts to or drop off physical copies to Don Holt at church or his home (10 Union Circle).


Young Adult Supper Club: May 20

All young adults are invited to our next Supper Club at the home of Joseph Sawyer this Monday, May 20th at 6:30pm. See Joseph for directions.

Any in our congregation who are interested in supporting this ministry with food or hosting, please see Pastor Dawn.


Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with many of our small groups. New ones are still starting and forming!

Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices. Email Pastor Dawn at


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Student Ministry Updates

For the month of May on Thursdays we will have Hangouts at the church. May 9th is our first Hangout of the month. Jr. and Sr. High join us at the church from 7-8pm for games, a movie, and rice crispies.

We will start our Summer Fire Pits on Thursday, June 6th. Click the link to sign up!

Join us for our Spring Work Day on Saturday, May 11th.

Sunday, May 9th after church, we will clean out the gym closet. Donuts and bagels for any helpers.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

New Partner: Mary Neeley!

A couple of Sundays ago we welcomed Mary Neeley, Staff Associate at Glen Ellyn Young Life (GEYL), as our church’s newest missions partner. GEYL is part of the Christian ministry Young Life, which reaches out to middle schoolers and high school and college students. Mary was first involved with Young Life as a volunteer leader at Glenbard West High School while attending Wheaton College. She joined the GEYL staff in 2020 and is primarily overseeing ministry at Glenbard South High School. Mary also is an assistant coach for the varsity and junior varsity cheerleading teams. In meeting her, one quickly senses passion for caring about and investing in students. Learn more here.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Sunday Scripture Text: Matthew 28:16-20


This week at a glance

Children’s ministry Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

We are so thankful for our volunteers who serve on Sunday for our Children’s ministry. We love working with you!

Our Children’s Ministry Volunteer Appreciation luncheon will be Sunday, May 5th, following Worship. Enjoy fresh salads, sandwiches, fruit and desserts!

Please join us so you’re sure to know how much we appreciate you helping our students to grow in Christ!

Please RVSP to Susan Cornett.


Crop Walk

The Crop Walk is Sunday, May 5th. See Pastor Jeff for more information.


All Church Work Day

Our next all church work day is on Saturday, May 11th. We will be working around the church; weeding, trimming and spreading mulch. Feel free to stay and help out as long as you like.

Saturday, May 11th, WORK OUTSIDE BEGINS @ 9:00am-12pm

Please consider bringing your own garden tools and gloves! Coffee and donuts will be provided!

See you then!


Writer’s Workshop May 19

The next Writer’s Workshop will be May 19th, 4-6pm, in the Family Life Center.

See Pastor Dawn for more details.



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with many of our small groups. New ones are still starting and forming!

Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices. Email Pastor Dawn at


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays in April and the beginning of May the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


"Immigration is one of the most complex and controversial issues of our time. Everyone seems to agree: the United States’ immigration system has some problems. No one thinks that the reality that an estimated 11 million immigrants are present unlawfully in the United States is an ideal situation, and everyone agrees that our government should protect American citizens from those who would seek to do harm. But that’s sometimes as far as the agreement goes, with discussions quickly devolving into arguments over the best policy solutions...

This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Student Ministry Updates

Hi League Tonight 4/25 (7:00-8:30)

 Confirmation Sunday is 4/28 and we will have a celebration afterwards!

 Our last Jr/Hi League of the school year will be joint and will take place Wednesday 5/1



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

New Partner: Mary Neeley!

Mary Neeley, Staff Associate at Glen Ellyn Young Life (GEYL), became our church’s newest missions partner this year. GEYL is part of the Christian ministry Young Life, which reaches out to middle schoolers and high school and college students. Mary was first involved with Young Life as a volunteer leader at Glenbard West High School while attending Wheaton College. She joined the GEYL staff in 2020 and is primarily overseeing ministry at Glenbard South High School. Mary also is an assistant coach for the varsity and junior varsity cheerleading teams. In meeting her, one quickly senses passion for caring about and investing in students. Learn more here.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon   John 21:15-19                

This is Amazing Grace, Build My Life, Lift High the Cross.



Spring Salad Supper Tonight 6pm

Join us for our Annual Spring Salad Supper as we close the year of Women’s Ministry Events. Bring a salad to share for this time of fellowship with other women in the Family Life Center.

This is an excellent opportunity to reach out to a neighbor, friend, or family member in need of a church connection.

Interested in helping with this event? See Pastor Dawn, or email her at Hope to see you there!


Ark Fundraiser at Fox Valley Bowl

We can hardly believe that the Fox Bowl Fundraiser event is one week from Saturday!  We wanted to send a few quick reminders about the fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, April 27th at 11:30 a.m

RSVP here

 If you cannot attend but would like to donate, your contribution will go directly towards supporting The Ark Preschool. Payments can be made by using the link or sending a check to The Ark Preschool putting “donation” in the memo.

This event promises to be a fun-filled day for the whole family while supporting a great cause.  It’s a fantastic opportunity for our preschool and church community to come together.

We thank you for your ongoing support of The Ark Preschool!

Holly Pelsor


Confirmation Sunday

Confirmation Sunday is this Sunday, April 28th, during Worship.


Quarterly Congregational Meeting

Our next congregational meeting will be this Sunday, April 28 at 6pm in the Family Life Center.


Front Door informational Meeting.

Our new Front Door Ministry Team is a formalized ministry of welcome for our church. Many in our congregation have served in this capacity each Sunday already, and we desire to organize this group into a ministry team. This team will welcome and direct people (especially newcomers) each Sunday.

There is an informational meeting this Sunday, April 28th following Worship.

Please see Pastor Jeff or Pastor Dawn for details.


Young Adult Supper Club April 29th

The next Young Adult Supper Club will be Monday, April 29th, 6:30pm at Jeff and Jori Root’s house.


Children’s ministry Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

We are so thankful for our volunteers who serve on Sunday for our Children’s ministry. We love working with you!

Our Children’s Ministry Volunteer Appreciation luncheon will be Sunday, May 5th, following Worship. Enjoy fresh salads, sandwiches, fruit and desserts!

Please join us so you’re sure to know how much we appreciate you helping our students to grow in Christ!

Please RVSP to Susan Cornett.


Crop Walk

The Crop Walk is Sunday, May 5th. See Pastor Jeff for more information.


All Church Work Day

Our next all church work day is on Saturday, May 11th. We will be working around the church; weeding, trimming and spreading mulch. Feel free to stay and help out as long as you like.

Saturday, May 11th, WORK OUTSIDE BEGINS @ 9:00am-12pm

Please consider bringing your own garden tools and gloves! Coffee and donuts will be provided!

See you then!


Writer’s Workshop May 19

The next Writer’s Workshop will be May 19th, 4-6pm, in the Family Life Center.

See Pastor Dawn for more details.



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with many of our small groups. New ones are still starting and forming!

Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices. Email Pastor Dawn at


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays in April and the beginning of May the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


"Immigration is one of the most complex and controversial issues of our time. Everyone seems to agree: the United States’ immigration system has some problems. No one thinks that the reality that an estimated 11 million immigrants are present unlawfully in the United States is an ideal situation, and everyone agrees that our government should protect American citizens from those who would seek to do harm. But that’s sometimes as far as the agreement goes, with discussions quickly devolving into arguments over the best policy solutions...

This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Student Ministry Updates

Hi League Tonight 4/25 (7:00-8:30)

 Confirmation Sunday is 4/28 and we will have a celebration afterwards!

 Our last Jr/Hi League of the school year will be joint and will take place Wednesday 5/1



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

Cans for Change Collection Update

The Cans for Change and related giving during Lent and collected on Easter Sunday for Covenant World Relief and Development totaled $1,212.91. Thank you for your generosity!

This special activity, focused specifically on CWRD, was beyond regular giving to our church’s General & Missions Fund.

Part of the Serve Globally department in our denomination, CWRD “works through local partners around the world to reduce human suffering for the most vulnerable people and support healthy communities.”