GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon   John 21:1-14                

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Come Thou Fount, Reckless Love, I Am Who You Say I Am, Great is Thy Faithfulness.



Spring Salad Supper April 25, 2024 6pm

Join us for our Annual Spring Salad Supper as we close the year of Women’s Ministry Events. Bring a salad to share for this time of fellowship with other women in the Family Life Center.

This is an excellent opportunity to reach out to a neighbor, friend, or family member in need of a church connection.

Interested in helping with this event? See Pastor Dawn, or email her at Hope to see you there!


Ark Fundraiser at Fox Valley Bowl

We can hardly believe that the Fox Bowl Fundraiser event is one week from Saturday!  We wanted to send a few quick reminders about the fundraiser scheduled for next Saturday, April 27th at 11:30 a.m. We are thrilled to see that so many families have already RSVP’d.  If you haven’t done so yet, we ask that you please RSVP and submit the full payment by this Friday, April 19th. 

RSVP here

 If you can not attend but would like to donate, your contribution will go directly towards supporting The Ark Preschool. Payments can be made by using the link or sending a check to The Ark Preschool putting “donation” in the memo.

This event promises to be a fun-filled day for the whole family while supporting a great cause.  It’s a fantastic opportunity for our preschool and church community to come together.

We thank you for your ongoing support of The Ark Preschool!

Holly Pelsor


Confirmation Sunday

Confirmation Sunday will be next Sunday, April 28th, during Worship.


Quarterly Congregational Meeting

Our next congregational meeting will be next Sunday, April 28 at 6pm in the Family Life Center.


Front Door informational Meeting.

Our Front Door Ministry Team is a formalized ministry of welcome for our church. Many in our congregation have served in this capacity each Sunday already, and we desire to organize this group into a ministry team. This team will welcome and direct people (especially newcomers) each Sunday.

There is an informational meeting next Sunday, April 28th following Worship.

Please see Pastor Dawn for details.


Young Adult Supper Club April 29th

The next Young Adult Supper Club will be next Monday, April 29th, 6:30pm at Jeff and Jori Root’s house.


Children’s ministry Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

We are so thankful for our volunteers who serve on Sunday for our Children’s ministry. We love working with you!

Our Children’s Ministry Volunteer Appreciation luncheon will be Sunday, May 5th, following Worship. Enjoy fresh salads, sandwiches, fruit and desserts!

Please join us so you’re sure to much we appreciate you helping our students to grow in Christ!

Please RVSP to Susan Cornett.


Crop Walk

The Crop Walk is Sunday, May 5th. See Pastor Jeff for more information.


All Church Work Day

Our next all church work day is on Saturday, May 11th. We will be working around the church; weeding, trimming and spreading mulch. Feel free to stay and help out as long as you like.

Saturday, May 11th, WORK OUTSIDE BEGINS @ 9:00am-12pm

Please consider bringing your own garden tools and gloves! Coffee and donuts will be provided!

See you then!


Writer’s Workshop May 19

The next Writer’s Workshop will be May 19th, 4-6pm, in the Family Life Center.

See Pastor Dawn for more details.



Last Sunday School until next fall.

April 21- Membership class taught by Pastor Jeff. Study on the book of Jonah taught by Pastor Dawn and Emily Lee.


adult bible studies

The Women’s Bible study on Acts has ended. Thanks for all who joined in!

The Men’s Bible study will conclude next Wednesday, April 24.

Thanks to all who donated to our service project! If you would like to join the team that will set a home for a refugee family with these items, please reach out to Pastor Dawn



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with many of our small groups. New ones are still starting and forming!

Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices. Email Pastor Dawn at


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays in April and the beginning of May the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


"Immigration is one of the most complex and controversial issues of our time. Everyone seems to agree: the United States’ immigration system has some problems. No one thinks that the reality that an estimated 11 million immigrants are present unlawfully in the United States is an ideal situation, and everyone agrees that our government should protect American citizens from those who would seek to do harm. But that’s sometimes as far as the agreement goes, with discussions quickly devolving into arguments over the best policy solutions...

This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Student Ministry Updates

Jr League tonight 4/17 (6:30-8:00), and Hi League Thursday 4/18 (7:00-8:30)

 4/21 for Sunday School, Jr and Hi high will meet in the Hi League room at 10:55a to watch The Chosen. And we'll have donuts!!!

 Confirmation Sunday is 4/28 and we will have a celebration afterwards!

 Our last Jr/Hi League of the school year will be joint and will take place Wednesday 5/1



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

Cans for Change Collection Update

The Cans for Change and related giving during Lent and collected on Easter Sunday for Covenant World Relief and Development totaled $1,212.91. Thank you for your generosity!

This special activity, focused specifically on CWRD, was beyond regular giving to our church’s General & Missions Fund.

Part of the Serve Globally department in our denomination, CWRD “works through local partners around the world to reduce human suffering for the most vulnerable people and support healthy communities.”



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon   John 20:19-29                         

Come People of the Risen King, Before the Throne, Living Hope, Praise, Jesus Lives, and So Shall I  



Quarterly Congregational Meeting

Our next congregational meeting will be April 28 at 6pm in the sanctuary.


Ark Fundraiser at Fox Valley Bowl

We can hardly believe that that the Fox Bowl Fundraiser event is two weeks from Saturday!  We wanted to send a few quick reminders about the fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, April 27th at 11:30 a.m.  We are thrilled to see that so many families have already RSVP’d.  If you haven’t done so yet, we ask that you please RSVP and submit the full payment by Friday, April 19th. 

RSVP here

 If you can not attend but would like to donate, your contribution will go directly towards supporting The Ark Preschool. Payments can be made by using the link or sending a check to The Ark Preschool putting “donation” in the memo.

This event promises to be a fun-filled day for the whole family while supporting a great cause.  It’s a fantastic opportunity for our preschool and church community to come together.

We thank you for your ongoing support of The Ark Preschool!

Holly Pelsor


Spring Salad Supper April 25, 2024 6pm

Join us for our Annual Spring Salad Supper as we close the year of Women’s Ministry Events. Bring a salad to share for this time of fellowship with other women in the Family Life Center.

This is an excellent opportunity to reach out to a neighbor, friend, or family member in need of a church connection.

Interested in helping with this event? See Pastor Dawn, or email her at Hope to see you there!



April 14, 21- Membership class taught by Pastor Jeff. Study on the book of Jonah taught by Pastor Dawn and Emily Lee.


Front Door informational Meeting.

Our Front Door Ministry Team is a formalized ministry of welcome for our church. Many in our congregation have served in this capacity each Sunday already, and we desire to formalize this group into a ministry team. This team will welcome and direct people (especially newcomers) each Sunday.

There is an informational meeting Sunday, April 28th following Worship.

Please see Pastor Dawn for details.


adult bible studies

The Women’s Bible study on Acts will meet one more time: April 17 at the home of Pastor Dawn. The Men’s Bible study will conclude on April 24

Thanks to all who donated to our service project! If you would like to join the team that will set a home for a refugee family with these items, please reach out to Pastor Dawn


Children’s ministry Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

We are so thankful for our volunteers who serve on Sunday for our Children’s ministry. We love working with you!

Our Children’s Ministry Volunteer Appreciation luncheon will be Sunday, May 5th, following Worship. Enjoy fresh salads, sandwiches, fruit and desserts!

Please join us so you’re sure to much we appreciate you helping our students to grow in Christ!

Please RVSP to Susan Cornett


Crop Walk

The Crop Walk is Sunday, May 5th. See Pastor Jeff for more information.


All Church Work Day

Our next all church work day is on Saturday, May 11th. We will be working on the east side of the church; weeding, trimming and spreading mulch. Feel free to stay and help out as long as you like.

Saturday, May 11th, WORK OUTSIDE BEGINS @ 9:00am-12pm

Please consider bringing your own garden tools and gloves! Coffee and donuts will be provided!

See you then!



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with many of our small groups. New ones are still starting and forming!

Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices. Email Pastor Dawn at


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays in April and the beginning of May the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


"Immigration is one of the most complex and controversial issues of our time. Everyone seems to agree: the United States’ immigration system has some problems. No one thinks that the reality that an estimated 11 million immigrants are present unlawfully in the United States is an ideal situation, and everyone agrees that our government should protect American citizens from those who would seek to do harm. But that’s sometimes as far as the agreement goes, with discussions quickly devolving into arguments over the best policy solutions...

This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 We picked this topic because in all the current debate about immigration and the border, it was hard to understand the issues and we all wanted to become more informed. 

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Student Ministry Updates

Jr League TODAY 4/10 (6:30-8:00), and Hi League TOMOROW 4/11 (7:00-8:30)

 4/14 for Sunday School, Jr and Hi high will meet in the Hi League room at 10:55a to watch The Chosen. And we'll have donuts!!!

 Confirmation is Sunday April 14th 2-4p. During the service, our confirmation group will serve communion that day. Confirmation Sunday is April 28th

 LOCK IN is 7pm Friday, April 12th and ends 8am April 13th! Jr + Hi League. In years past students have brought a dish or snack to share.  Stay tuned for more details!



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

Cans for Change Collection Update

The Cans for Change and related giving during Lent and collected on Easter Sunday for Covenant World Relief and Development totaled $1,212.91. Thank you for your generosity!

This special activity, focused specifically on CWRD, was beyond regular giving to our church’s General & Missions Fund.

Part of the Serve Globally department in our denomination, CWRD “works through local partners around the world to reduce human suffering for the most vulnerable people and support healthy communities.”



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon   Mark 16:1-8                                       

Revelation Song, My light House, Christ is alive, We believe, Graves into Gardens, Christ the Lord is Risen Today.



Good Friday Service

Our annual Good Friday service will be this Friday, March 29th at 7pm, in the Sanctuary.


Easter Egg Hunt

We are excited to announce our Easter Egg hunt! It will be occurring Easter Sunday, March 31st at 11:15am. Please use the QR code below to register.



There will be no Sunday School Easter Sunday!

April 7, 14, 21- Membership class taught by Pastor Jeff. Study on the book of Jonah taught by Pastor Dawn and Emily Lee.



Don Holt leads the second of our two-part writing workshop, Sunday April 7th, 4-6pm, in the Family Life Center.

Still want to submit a work for review? Contact Pastor Dawn ASAP for details at



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with many of our small groups. Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices. Email Pastor Dawn at


Ark Fundraiser at Fox Valley Bowl

We invite you to join us for our Bowling & Pizza Fundraiser at Fox Bowl on Saturday, April 27th from 11:30-1:00 p.m.

The cost is $24 per person and includes a game of bowling, shoe rental, and unlimited pizza and pop.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP here by April 12th.  Thank you for your support!


Student Ministry Updates

There is no Jr or Hi League 3/27 or 3/28

NEXT WEEK 4/4 Jr League and Hi League will be JOINT Thursday 7-8:30p. 

We do not have Sunday School for Easter 3/31. Picking back up 4/7 for Sunday School, Jr and Sr high will meet in the Hi League room at 10:55a to watch The Chosen. And we'll have donuts!!!

LOCK IN is 7pm Friday, April 12th and ends 8am April 13th!

Our next confirmation is Sunday April 14th. During the service, our confirmation group will serve communion that day.

For existing 9th-12th graders, Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details. Let me know if you have any questions!


adult bible studies

The Women’s Bible study on Acts will meet two more times: April 3 and 17. The Men’s Bible study will conclude on April 24

Thanks to all who donated to our service project! There are still a few more items to get if you feel led to do so.

Items can be left in the church office at any time. The sign-up genius for this service project is attached. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack".

If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Dawn

Here is a shareable link:


Spring Salad Supper April 25, 2024 6pm

Join us for our Annual Spring Salad Supper as we close the year of Women’s Ministry Events. Bring a salad to share for this time of fellowship with other women.

This is an excellent opportunity to reach out to a neighbor, friend, or family member in need of a church connection.

Interested in helping with this event? See Pastor Dawn, or email her at Hope to see you there!



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

Cans for Change Collection
The Cans for Change, in support of Covenant World Relief and Development, will be collected at church this Easter Sunday, March 31. Donations may also be made by check, or online through our church website.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon   Luke 19:28-44                  

Hosanna (Praise is rising), Hosanna, King of Kings , Holy, Holy, Holy, Hosanna, Loud, Hosanna #228.




To remember or honor a loved one on Easter with flowers for the sanctuary, pick up an order form in Higher Grounds and return it either to the office, or in the offering with the donor’s regular tithes and offerings, or can also be made online at GE Covenant Church Online Giving.

Please make donations by this Sunday March 24th, Palm Sunday

You place the order with a donation & we will take care of the purchasing! 

You can take your flower home with you after worship on Easter Sunday, March 31st


Good Friday Service

Our annual Good Friday service will be held on Friday, March 29th at 7pm, in the Sanctuary.


Easter Egg Hunt

We are excited to announce our Easter Egg hunt! It will be occurring Easter Sunday, March 31st at 11:15am. Please use the QR code below to register.

We are looking for donations of plastic eggs. They can be filled with candy, small toys, etc., or they can be empty.

The last day to donate is this Sunday, March 24th.



There will be no Sunday School Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday!

April 7, 14, 21- Membership class taught by Pastor Jeff. Study on the book of Jonah taught by Pastor Dawn and Emily Lee.



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with our small groups. Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices.

Questions? Email Pastor Dawn at


Ark Fundraiser at Fox Valley Bowl

We invite you to join us for our Bowling & Pizza Fundraiser at Fox Bowl on Saturday, April 27th from 11:30-1:00 p.m.

The cost is $24 per person and includes a game of bowling, shoe rental, and unlimited pizza and pop.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP here by April 12th.  Thank you for your support!


Student Ministry Updates

Jr League Wednesday 6:30-8p and Hi League Thursday 7-8:30p. There will be no youth group next week because of spring break.

 We do not have Sunday School 3/24 and 3/31 and will pick it back up April 7th.

 For existing 9th-12th graders, Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details. Let me know if you have any questions!


adult bible studies

The Women’s Bible study on Acts will meet two more times: April 3 and 17. The Men’s Bible study will conclude on April 24

Thanks to all who donated to our service project. Items can be left in the church office at any time. The sign-up genius for this service project is attached. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack".

If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Dawn

Here is a shareable link:



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

CWRD Update

The Winter 2024 Covenant World Relief & Development newsletter (CWRD Update) focuses on advocacy to empower lasting change through engaging with policymakers and leveraging networks to influence policies relating to world hunger and sex trafficking.

The newsletter describes CWRD’s partnership with Bread for the World, a nonpartisan Christian organization that works with leaders of Congress to combat hunger internationally and domestically. Led by ordained Covenant minister Rev. Eugene Cho, Bread’s efforts address policies affecting national and global food and nutrition security.

Also detailed in the newsletter is CWRD’s FREE initiative, launched in 2021. Working against sex-trafficking, FREE is a collaboration of partnerships that includes 10 projects in the United States and around the world.

Read the CWRD Director’s editorial and more in the newsletter here. Our church will collect the Cans for Change in support of CWRD on Easter Sunday, March 31.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon              




To remember or honor a loved one on Easter with flowers for the sanctuary, pick up an order form in Higher Grounds and return it either to the office, or in the offering with the donor’s regular tithes and offerings, or can also be made online at GE Covenant Church Online Giving.

Please make donations by this Sunday March 24th, Palm Sunday

You place the order with a donation & we will take care of the purchasing! 

You can take your flower home with you after worship on Easter Sunday


Good Friday Service

Our annual Good Friday service will be held on Friday, March 29th at 7pm, in the Sanctuary.


Easter Egg Hunt

We are excited to announce our Easter Egg hunt! It will be occurring Easter Sunday, March 31st at 11:15am. Please use the QR code below to register.

We are looking for donations of plastic eggs. They can be filled with candy, small toys, etc., or they can be empty.

Please donate them to the church by Palm Sunday, March 24th.



Join us for coffee and Adult Sunday School immediately after Worship.

There will be no Sunday School Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday!

April 7, 14, 21- Membership class taught by Pastor Jeff. Study on the book of Jonah taught by Pastor Dawn and Emily Lee.



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with our small groups. Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices.

Questions? Email Pastor Dawn at


Ark Fundraiser at Fox Valley Bowl

We invite you to join us for our Bowling & Pizza Fundraiser at Fox Bowl on Saturday, April 27th from 11:30-1:00 p.m.

The cost is $24 per person and includes a game of bowling, shoe rental, and unlimited pizza and pop.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP here by April 12th.  Thank you for your support!


Student Ministry Updates

For existing 9th-12th graders, Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details. Let me know if you have any questions!

Jr League Wednesday 6:30-8p and Hi League Thursday 7-8:30p.

Sunday School is this week from 11-11:45a, and Confirmation is this week the 17th from 2-4p. Confirmation Sunday is April 28th!

For this upcoming Sunday School, Jr and Sr high will meet in the Hi League room at 10:55a to watch The Chosen. And we'll have donuts!!!


adult bible studies

Next Women’s Bible Study is this Wednesday, March 20th!

We are doing well in our checklist!

Thanks to all who have already donated to our service project. Items can be left in the church office at any time. The sign-up genius for this service project is attached. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack".

The deadline for getting all items is this Sunday, March 17. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Dawn

Here is a shareable link:



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

“Cans for Change” to Support CWRD
During Lent, donations are being collected to support the work of Covenant World Relief & Development. CWRD’s mission is “to join God in loving, serving, and working in relationship together with the poor, oppressed, traumatized, and marginalized.” Ready-made Cans for Change as well as labels and lids are available in the atrium.

Donations may also be made by check or online through our church website. The cans will be collected on Easter Sunday March 31st.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon Mark 8:27-9:1  

Cornerstone, I have decided to follow Jesus, We Will Feast In The House of Zion-Anástasis, When I survey the Wonderous Cross.




To remember or honor a loved one on Easter with flowers for the sanctuary, pick up an order form in Higher Grounds and return it to the office by March 24th, Palm Sunday

You place the order with a donation & we will take care of the purchasing! 

You can take your flower home with you after worship on Easter Sunday



During Lent, we gather for Taize prayer and worship in the sanctuary at 5:30pm on Sunday nights, followed by our soup supper at 6pm in the Family Life Center. We hope you will join us and invite family, friends and neighbors.

To sign up to bring a soup or bread, just click HERE!


Easter Egg Hunt

We are excited to announce our Easter Egg hunt! It will be occurring Easter Sunday, March 31st at 11:15am. Please use the QR code below to register.

We are looking for donations of plastic eggs. They can be filled with candy, small toys, etc., or they can be empty.

Please donate them to the church by March 24th.



Join us for coffee and Adult Sunday School immediately after Worship.

March 10, 17- Mary Crickmore leads a class on “How To Support People who have experienced Trauma” (Family Life Center)

April 7, 14, 21- Membership class taught by Pastor Jeff. Study on the book of Jonah taught by Pastor Dawn and Emily Lee.



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with our small groups. Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices.

Small group at Covenant Living of Small Group  meets a second time on Thursday March 14 at 6:30 pm in the Patio Dining Room.  

Intergenerational Small Group meets at 4:30pm in Munson Hall each Sunday in Lent.

Questions? Email Pastor Dawn at


Student Ministry Updates

For existing 9th-12th graders, Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details. Let me know if you have any questions!

Jr League Wednesday 6:30-8p and Hi League Thursday 7-8:30p.

Sunday School is this week from 11-11:45a, and Confirmation is this week the 17th from 2-4p. Confirmation Sunday is April 28th!


adult bible studies

We are doing well in our checklist!

Thanks to all who have already donated to our service project. Items can be left in the church office at any time. The sign-up genius for this service project is attached. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack".

The deadline for getting all items is Sunday, March 17. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Dawn

Here is a shareable link:



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Missions focus

“Cans for Change” to Support CWRD
During Lent, donations are being collected to support the work of Covenant World Relief & Development. CWRD’s mission is “to join God in loving, serving, and working in relationship together with the poor, oppressed, traumatized, and marginalized.” Ready-made Cans for Change as well as labels and lids are available in the atrium.

Donations may also be made by check or online through our church website. The cans will be collected on Easter Sunday March 31st.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon Mark 3:1-12; 31-35

Take my life and let it be , Be Still my Soul, All who are Thirsty, I surrender all.



Coffee with Julius and Heleen

All those in our church family who are interested in learning more about their dynamic ministry are invited to join them for coffee at the home of the Bischoffs this Friday, March 1.



During Lent, we gather for Taize prayer and worship in the sanctuary at 5:30pm on Sunday nights, followed by our soup supper at 6pm in the Family Life Center. We hope you will join us and invite family, friends and neighbors.

To sign up to bring a soup or bread, just click HERE!



Join us for coffee and Adult Sunday School immediately after Worship.

March 3, 10, 17- Mary Crickmore leads a class on “How To Support People who have experienced Trauma” (Family Life Center)



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with our small groups. Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices.

Small group at Covenant Living of Small Group begins Thursday, February 29 at 6:30 pm in the Patio Dining Room.  

Intergenerational Small Group meets at 4:30pm in Munson Hall each Sunday in Lent.

Questions? Email Pastor Dawn at



Please sign up to bring a side dish or consider hosting our college students at your home.

Dates and sign ups can be found here:


Student Ministry Updates

-It's the last week of the month so Wednesday is Joint Jr/Hi League from 6:30-8! Nothing Thursday.

-Sr High Ministries is going to the Unite conference this summer (formerly known as CHIC)!  Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details. Let me know if you have any questions!

 -Sunday School is 11-11:45. See you then! No confirmation this week.


adult bible studies

Thanks to all who have already donated to our service project. Items can be left in the church office at any time. The sign-up genius for this service project is attached. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack".

The deadline for getting all items is March 17. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Dawn

Here is a shareable link:


Windsor Park Resident Art Fair

 Artwork created by Windsor Park residents will be available for purchase, including paintings, drawings, photography, jewelry, books, wood carvings and greeting cards.

Resident fine artists will each have a table at the open house in our Centrum with their own original and reproduced art work available for sale, including oil paintings, watercolor paintings, drawings, wood carvings, jewelry, textiles and cards produced from original art.

 Please join us to see and to acquire unique pieces of art for your home and community.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Coffee with Julius and Heleen
What a wonderful opportunity it was to hear from and visit with our partners Julius and Heleen this past Sunday. All those in our church family who are interested in learning more about their dynamic ministry are invited to join them for coffee at the home of the Bischoffs this Friday, March 1.

“Cans for Change” to Support CWRD
During Lent donations are being collected to support the work of Covenant World Relief & Development. CWRD’s mission is “to join God in loving, serving, and working in relationship together with the poor, oppressed, traumatized, and marginalized.” CWRD’s website describes disaster relief, clean water, refugee response, and refugee journey initiatives. Ready-made Cans for Change as well as labels and lids for making a can at home are available in the atrium. Donations may also be made by check or online through our church website. The cans will be collected on Easter Sunday.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon Luke 4:14-30  

Raise a Hallelujah, Our Salvation is Bound up Together, Man of Sorrows, The Stand,
What Wonderous Love This is.




During Lent, we gather for Taize prayer and worship in the sanctuary at 5:30pm on Sunday nights, followed by our soup supper at 6pm in the Family Life Center. We hope you will join us and invite family, friends and neighbors.

To sign up to bring a soup or bread, just click HERE!



Join us for coffee and Adult Sunday School immediately after Worship.

February 25 – Dr. David Van Dyke and Tara Van Dyke continue their class on Relationships. This week the focus is on Conflict (Family Life Center)

March 3, 10, 17- Mary Crickmore leads a class on “How To Support People who have experienced Trauma” (Family Life Center)



Pastor Dawn is grateful for the time spent with our small groups. Please see her if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use her resources on Spiritual Practices.

Intergenerational Small Group meets at 4:30pm in Munson Hall each Sunday in Lent.

Questions? Email at



Please sign up to bring a side dish or consider hosting our college students at your home.

Dates and sign ups can be found here:


Student Ministry Updates

The babysitting night was a great success! It was so cool to hang out and spend time with all the kids that were there. Shout out to the Student Ministries Squad for stepping up and helping out. Big thank you to the leaders who participated, and thank you to all who donated to the ministry! 

-Jr League is Wednesday from 6:30-8p and Hi League is Thursday from 7-8:30p!

 -This Sunday, Sunday School is 11-11:45a

-Sr High Ministries is going to the Unite conference this summer (formerly known as CHIC)! Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details.


adult bible studies

Thanks to all who have already donated to our service project. Items can be left in the church office at any time. The sign-up genius for this service project is attached. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack".

The deadline for getting all items is March 17. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Dawn

Here is a shareable link:


Windsor Park Resident Art Fair

 Artwork created by Windsor Park residents will be available for purchase, including paintings, drawings, photography, jewelry, books, wood carvings and greeting cards.

Resident fine artists will each have a table at the open house in our Centrum with their own original and reproduced art work available for sale, including oil paintings, watercolor paintings, drawings, wood carvings, jewelry, textiles and cards produced from original art.

 Please join us to see and to acquire unique pieces of art for your home and community.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Partner Visit
This coming Sunday, February 25, Julius and his wife Heleen with be with us in the worship service. A relatively new partner, Julius is affiliated with Cup of Cold Water Ministries. Our church has supported his ministry since 2022.

On the evening of Friday, March 1, “coffee” with Julius and Heleen will be held at the home of the Bischoffs to raise awareness of the ministry. The invitation below is extended to those in our church family who would like to learn more about this dynamic ministry.

Supporting Covenant World Relief & Development
During Lent we are collecting funds to support the work of Covenant World Relief & Development. CWRD’s mission is “to join God in loving, serving, and working in relationship together with the poor, oppressed, traumatized, and marginalized.” CWRD’s website describes these initiatives—disaster relief, clean water, refugee response, and refugee journey.

The values guiding how CWRD carries out its mission include representing the kingdom, working in mutual partnership with local organizations, strengthening local communities, and serving the most vulnerable.

The “Cans for Change,” available in the atrium, will be collected on Easter Sunday. Donations may also be made by check or via our church website.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon Luke 9:28-36



GEECC Babysitting Fundraiser

The GEECC Babysitting Fundraiser is tonight Wednesday, February 14th 5:00-8:30pm which is in support of the Glen Ellyn Covenant Church Hi-League Students.

For Kids: Games, Movies, & Lots of Fun ~with some wonderful High School Students. 

For Parents: 3 and a half hours to enjoy... Ash Wednesday Service, dinner, shopping, or whatever!! 

To register, e-mail Joseph Sawyer, Director of Student Ministries at 
Walk-in's are welcome!


Ash Wednesday

The Ash Wednesday Service will be tonight held in the Sanctuary at 5pm.



During lent, we will gather for prayer and worship at 5:30pm on Sunday nights, followed by a soup supper at 6pm.

This has become a tradition during the season of Lent for our church. We hope you will join us and invite a friend! Please consider signing up to bring a soup or bread whenever you can.

To sign up to bring a soup or bread, just click HERE!



Join us in the gym for coffee and Adult Sunday School!

February 18 & 25 – Dr. David Van Dyke and Tara Van Dyke continue their class on Relationships: Friendship (Feb. 18) and Conflict (Feb 25)



Pastor Dawn would like to connect with existing small groups and also form new ones for anyone who is looking to join. Intergeneration Small Group begins next Sunday (Feb.18th) before the Lenten Service and Supper.

Please see Dawn if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use these resources (which will be available mid-February). 

Email at



Please sign up to bring a side dish or consider hosting our college students at your home.

Dates and sign ups can be found here:


Student Ministry Updates

-Sr High Ministries is going to the Unite conference this summer (formerly known as CHIC)! Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details.

Our first fundraiser is below:

-The GEECC Babysitting Fundraiser is tonight Wednesday, February 14th 5:00-8:30 pm which is in support of the Glen Ellyn Covenant Church Hi-League Students.

For Kids:  Games, Movies, & Lots of Fun ~with some wonderful High School Students. 
For Parents: 3 and a half hours to enjoy... Ash Wednesday Service, dinner, shopping, or whatever!! 

To register, e-mail Joseph Sawyer, Director of Student Ministries at   
Walk-in's are welcome!

-Thursday is Joint Jr/Hi League from 7-8:30p.

 -This Sunday, Sunday School is 11-11:45a and confirmation is from 2-4p. See you there!


adult bible studies

Thanks to all who have already donated to our service project. Items can be left in the church office at any time.

I am attaching the sign-up genius for our next service project. You can bring any items to me on Sundays or at our Wednesday Women's Bible Study nights. I will store in our resource room until we have all we need. 

Deadline for getting all items is March 17. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. 

 Thanks for the love you show each other and beyond our church! 
A message about our project from Abigail Crowder, Program Manager DuPage for Exodus World Service Organization:

"I am so glad that Glen Ellyn Covenant and the women's ministry will be moving forward with collecting a Welcome to America! Pack

  • I have attached the most up to date pack lists, but they are the same as the ones in the Welcome Pack Guidebook

  • I have created an online sign up link that can be shared with other members of the group, or used as a general checklist to mark when someone has purchased something from the list. 

  • As a reminder, we recommend collecting for a family of four, but holding off on bedding until you are matched with a family. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack". Here is a shareable link:

  • I have noted that our target date is March 17th to have everything collected and will follow up around then to see how everything is going."



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Missions Partner Event
We look forward to another partner being in worship with us, on Sunday, February 25. A relatively new partner—Julius, who is affiliated with Cup of Cold Water Ministries—has been supported by our church since 2022.

A “coffee” with Julius and his wife Heleen will be held the evening of March 1 to raise awareness of this dynamic ministry. The invitation below is extended to those in our church family who would like to learn more about the ministry.



GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon

Galatians 5:1-15

“Jesus, What a Friend For Sinners” “Lord I Need You” Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me” “In Christ Alone” “Blessed Assurance”



GEECC Babysitting Fundraiser

The GEECC Babysitting Fundraiser is Valentine’s Day Next Wednesday, February 14th 5:00-8:30pm which is in support of the Glen Ellyn Covenant Church Hi-League Students.

For Kids: Games, Movies, & Lots of Fun ~with some wonderful High School Students. 

For Parents: 3 and a half hours to enjoy... Ash Wednesday Service, dinner, shopping, or whatever!! 

To register, e-mail Joseph Sawyer, Director of Student Ministries at 
Walk-in's are welcome!


Ash Wednesday

The Ash Wednesday Service will be held in the Sanctuary at 5pm.



During lent, we will gather for prayer and worship at 5:30pm on Sunday nights, followed by a soup supper at 6pm.

This has become a tradition during the season of Lent for our church. We hope you will join us and invite a friend! Please consider signing up to bring a soup or bread whenever you can.

To sign up to bring a soup or bread, just click HERE!



Join us in the gym for coffee and Adult Sunday School!

February 11 – Dr. David Lauber teaches “Patience in an Age of Acceleration.”

February 18 & 25 – Dr. David Van Dyke and Tara Van Dyke continue their class on Relationships: Friendship (Feb. 18) and Conflict (Feb 25)



Pastor Dawn would like to connect with existing small groups and also form new ones for anyone who is looking to join.  

As part of this re-engagement with small groups, she will provide six weeks of curriculum using spiritual practices around scripture and prayer.

Please see Dawn if you are in need of a small group or if your group would like to use these resources (which will be available mid-February). 

Email at or sign up in Higher Grounds



Please sign up to bring a side dish or consider hosting our college students at your home.

Dates and sign ups can be found here:


Student Ministry Updates

We had so much fun on our Winter Retreat at Covenant Harbor! Covenant Harbor did such a great job providing structure and lots of time for us to spend together and bond as a group. It was so cool to see and hear how The Lord is moving in the lives of these students. This is always an encouragement for leaders and myself, but it should also be an encouragement for all you parents who have raised such awesome kids.

We were so privileged to be able to hang out with them this weekend, and I hope to continue to have retreats and events like this in the future! Make sure to check out the photos that Covenant Harbor took this weekend.

You can access these on Google Drive here.

Important Updates;

Jr. League Youth Group will meet tonight  from 6:30-8pm. Hi League Youth Group will meet Thursday from 7pm-8:30pm. See you there!

-Sr High Ministries is going to the Unite conference this summer (formerly known as CHIC)! Please let me know if your student is interested by this Sunday, February 11th. Unite is from July 15th to the 19th. Click here for more Unite 2024 details.

Our first fundraiser is below:

-The GEECC Babysitting Fundraiser is Valentine’s Day  Next Wednesday, February 14th 5:00-8:30 pm which is in support of the Glen Ellyn Covenant Church Hi-League Students.

For Kids:  Games, Movies, & Lots of Fun ~with some wonderful High School Students. 
For Parents: 3 and a half hours to enjoy... Ash Wednesday Service, dinner, shopping, or whatever!! 

To register, e-mail Joseph Sawyer, Director of Student Ministries at   
Walk-in's are welcome!

-The updated calendar for February is up on the Student Ministries Newsletter.


adult bible studies

Thanks to all for joining us last evening for our Galentine's Party! It was wonderful to see everyone, to hear laughter and deep conversation, and eat delicious food!

I am attaching the sign-up genius for our next service project. You can bring any items to me on Sundays or at our Wednesday Women's Bible Study nights. I will store in our resource room until we have all we need. 

Deadline for getting all items is March 17. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. 

 Thanks for the love you show each other and beyond our church! 
A message about our project from Abigail Crowder, Program Manager DuPage for Exodus World Service Organization:

"I am so glad that Glen Ellyn Covenant and the women's ministry will be moving forward with collecting a Welcome to America! Pack

  • I have attached the most up to date pack lists, but they are the same as the ones in the Welcome Pack Guidebook

  • I have created an online sign up link that can be shared with other members of the group, or used as a general checklist to mark when someone has purchased something from the list. 

  • As a reminder, we recommend collecting for a family of four, but holding off on bedding until you are matched with a family. It is titled "GEECC Women's Ministry Welcome Pack". Here is a shareable link:

  • I have noted that our target date is March 17th to have everything collected and will follow up around then to see how everything is going."


Year-end donation statements

Year-end donation statements were mailed to all members and 4th Quarter donors. If you have any questions, or do not receive it, please contact Financial Secretary Wendy Miller ( or 630-596-6487). Thank you for supporting the ministry of Glen Ellyn Covenant Church!

Also, if you would like a box of numbered donation envelopes for donations via checks or cash, please pick up one in the Higher Grounds coffee area.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Recent Partner Visits
What a delight it was to be with two of our ECC-affiliated missions partner couples recently. If you would like to follow up and connect with them personally, perhaps to send an encouraging note, make an individual contribution, or sign up to receive their newsletters, you may do so through their ECC Serve Globally webpages: Jim and Hydi and Carl and Karen.

Partner Update
Tarcisio, affiliated with Firm Foundation, and his colleagues had an especially busy December. Highlights from his recent update were very impressive. Nineteen students at Evangelical Theological College, where Tarcisio is academic dean, graduated with Theology diplomas. Building of three more classrooms at the college has been completed. And, the National Children’s Camp drew from five additional districts and served 6700 children, an increase of 1400 attendees. Read more about Tarcisio’s ministry here.