GE COV Weekly Newsletter 6/14/24

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.

Scripture: Galatians 5:13-26


O for a Thousand Tongues - Come Thou Fount

Speak O Lord - Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God

10,000 Reasons - Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me


Summer Sermon Series

What Difference does the Holy Spirit Make

IN the Life of a Believer

IN THE Life of the Church

Last week in worship, we focused on the Holy Spirit in the book of Galatians.

In Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia, he challenges them (and us) to consider: Who do we worship? Who do we follow? To whose family do we belong?

We receive the Holy Spirit because of who we are in Christ – and who we are in Christ is free, forgiven, heirs with Jesus in the family of God, beloved children of God.

This Sunday, we remain in Galatians as we reflect on the Fruit of the Spirit and how we live by the Spirit and keep in step with the Spirit. Join us for worship in person or wherever you are this weekend.

May you know that the Lord is with you! Pastor Dawn 


A Word from the Central Conference Superintendent, Rev. Danny Martinez

Blessings to you and your church. The Lord has placed on our hearts a desire to start a movement for men in our conference. This is a part of “Moving Mission Forward” in the Central Conference this year. We will continue to work with Women, Youth and Children’s Ministries, but are striving to get our Men’s movement started.

Our first step is getting our men's leaders together and we now have our first opportunity. We are inviting all men to a screening of a new movie called "The Forge." This is a Christian movie and focuses on discipleship among young men. There is no cost for this showing, but reserving a spot is required. Please note that this initial event is not exclusively just for men, and additional guests may attend (men or women).

There are only 120 spaces available to our conference and they will go fast. We realize that location is an issue, so we will keep you posted when it is available to churches outside of Illinois. However, we encourage you to make it a point to inspire your men to rise up and be counted. 

This is a first effort to gather the men in our conference. In the fall, we will also gather to offer some training and fellowship. Thanking you in advance for your help in this matter.

Bless you, Pastor Danny

If you are interested, reach out to Pastor Dawn ASAP to reserve your spot. The event is June 18, 7PM at Regal Cantera (28250 Diehl Rd).

*Our church is also planning to gather a group for the 6:45PM showing of The Forge at Studio Movie Grill on August 22.


Student and Children’s Ministries Movie: June 18

We will have a movie showing of Inside Out 2 on June 18 at 3pm for rising 4th graders - 12th graders at the Glen Art Theater (540 Crescent Blvd).

Don’t miss out on the fun! See you at the movies!

For more information, see Joseph Sawyer or Susan Cornett.


All Church Summer BBQ: June 19

Our second All Church Summer BBQ will be June 19, 5-7pm at the home of Jon and Andrea Martin.

We will have Summer BBQ’s every Wednesday until July 10th (excluding July 3rd).

Click the link to sign up!


Fire pits: June 20

For the months of June, July, and August we will have Fire Pits every other Thursday at various locations.

Our next Student Ministries Fire Pit will be at the Casey Family Home on June 20 at 7pm. See Joseph Sawyer for directions.

We still have one available slot! Click the link to sign up!


Worship Arts Event: June 22

Dear GEECC Artists,

Thank you to all who have submitted artwork for our Holy Spirit sermon series this Summer. All are still invited to share their artistic gifts for our alcove.

Here is an opportunity to support one of our church artists. Kriste Sveen’s artwork will be featured at the event listed below.


Front Door Ministry

ATTENTION: We have many openings available for our Front Door Ministry during the months of June and July. This ministry is essential to the hospitality of our church. We hope you will consider joining. We need you!

Click the link to sign up!


The Ark Preschool

The Ark Preschool is gearing up for the 2024-2025 school year. We still have a few spaces available!

If you have family, friends, or neighbors with preschool age children who are seeking a Christian preschool education, please have them call The Ark Office (630-858-7755) or email Holly Pelsor ( for registration information.

Thank you for your prayers and support of The Ark Preschool. May God's grace and peace be with you.


Thursday Evening Book Club

On Thursdays the Justice group will be studying material from World Relief called 


This guide is intended to help you learn more about a very complex and controversial topic, one that tends to evoke passion and sometimes disagreement."

 Anyone who would like to receive the pdf or printed file of the guide and/or join the Zoom discussions Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. should contact Mary or Scott Crickmore. 


Church Prayer Meeting

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: There will not be a Zoom prayer meeting from June through August.

You can send a prayer request to Jayne Bischoff ( who will forward all requests to the Prayer Partners

Please mark if a request is confidential.

Thank you, have a blessed Summer! Jayne Bischoff

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.  For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10


Mission Focus: Repeat Boutique

Repeat Boutique Need

This local partner is experiencing tremendously increased demand and as a result is in great need of more clothing and household items as well as additional volunteers. A non-denominational Christian, volunteer service ministry, Repeat Boutique serves neighbors in need, refugees referred by World Relief, pastors, and missions workers. Visit Repeat Boutique's website for information on how to donate and to contact the organization if interested in volunteering.