GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.





Matthew 6:1-4




Women's Bible Study New Topic: Deuteronomy/ the Kindness of God

Join other women for Bible study and a warm time of fellowship.

  • Tuesdays, 9:30-11am – Topic: Why did Jesus quote from the book of Deuteronomy more than any other book? It is about the kindness of God. Join us this fall for a new way of looking at Deuteronomy. For an overview of the book, see The Bible Project video:

  • Saturdays, 8-9:30am – Topic: Join us to fellowship, pray, and preview the scripture passage for Sunday’s worship service.

Currently meeting via Zoom; looking at options for hybrid in-person and Zoom format this fall. No commitment and no preparation needed. Visitors welcome - stop in and try it out!

For the Zoom link, please contact the church office (630-469-5405 or

For questions, contact either Susan Ferrell ( or Karen Hudson.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


Makerspace Creative Prayer!

The Maker's Space next session on  praying creatively is November 13, from 4-6pm.  Please note the new time to accommodate the church business meeting.

This is a safe place to bring friends, neighbors or teenagers who want to explore a creative way to pray.  Come and carve out some time to listen to God and see what He has to say!

Please RSVP to for your spot with supplies.


Kriste Sveen


Look! See What God’s doing- Children’s Ministry Weekly Church Update

Father and Son Dodgeball night!

This week we started our midweek gathering for our children’s ministry. The dads and boys (k-5) got together for a night of dodgeball and devotion. It was a blast!

 This is the beginning of our efforts to build a midweek program for our children’s ministry. After many planning meetings and conversations, we’ve decided to take a “softer” approach to our midweek programming. Sparked Vision, rolled out in 2021 to be the vision and structure of our midweek program, is still the direction we’re headed to provide a meaningful midweek service for our kids and be an outreach tool for the community. However, in effort to build community first, we’re going to begin by providing more relaxed opportunities for families to gather so that people inside and outside of our church can connect with one another.

 How we’ve decided to do this is by offering twice a month a night for Dads and Boys to gather and Moms and Girls to gather to play. The Moms and Girls group is still in the works with plans to launch early next year.

 If you’re a guy, we’re inviting you to come join us! Come gather with other guys and boys every other Tuesday.

 Tell your friends!

 Next meeting: Tuesday November 15, 2022 6:00PM-7:30PM in the Gym.


See you there!





There are some recurring needs and opportunities with our missions partners beyond those we highlight here from time to time. For information on those items, contact Darren Miller, write to, or visit the missions partners’ websites. Also consider being added to the distribution list for our partners’ newsletters.

The missions display case has pictures of our missionaries and highlights of their activities. The GE COV Prayer Letter shares information on how we may pray for our missionaries. Contact Diane Brown to be added to the Prayer Letter distribution list. 

Ongoing Opportunities

 For other ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller or write to If interested, ask to be added to the list to receive newsletter updates.

 Stop by the Missions display case to see pictures and other highlights of our missionaries. For information on how to pray for them, contact Diane Brown to receive the GE COV Prayer Letter.