GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.





Psalm 90




Women's Bible Study New Topic: Deuteronomy/ the Kindness of God

Join other women for Bible study and a warm time of fellowship.

  • Tuesdays, 9:30-11am – Topic: Why did Jesus quote from the book of Deuteronomy more than any other book? It is about the kindness of God. Join us this fall for a new way of looking at Deuteronomy. For an overview of the book, see The Bible Project video:

  • Saturdays, 8-9:30am – Topic: Join us to fellowship, pray, and preview the scripture passage for Sunday’s worship service.

Currently meeting via Zoom; looking at options for hybrid in-person and Zoom format this fall. No commitment and no preparation needed. Visitors welcome - stop in and try it out!

For the Zoom link, please contact the church office (630-469-5405 or

For questions, contact either Susan Ferrell ( or Karen Hudson.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!


75th anniversary Luncheon RSVP!

In 1946 a small group of families heard God's call to plant a church on the corner of Kenilworth and Hawthorne in Glen Ellyn Illinois. Three quarters of a century later, that church stands, much changed in appearance and size but not at all in purpose--to know Christ Jesus and to make Him known. This year we are privileged to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Glen Ellyn Evangelical Church by recognizing and proclaiming God's faithfulness in the past, the present, and the future.

In addition to celebrating God's faithfulness in our worship service, you are invited to join us for a catered Italian luncheon in Pollack Hall immediately following. There will be a hearty menu with some options for those who are gluten-free and for kids, too. In addition, there will be cookbooks made by members of the church for purchase! We are selling the books 2 - $20 or 1 - $15




Cookbooks for sale!

The 75th Anniversary luncheon is right around the corner, and what better way to continue the celebration then by making meals created by members of the Church family!

These will be available for purchase after the lunch celebration. We are selling the books 2 - $20 or 1 - $15. Each recipe is made by the members of the church, perfect for any occasion!

Dig in and enjoy!



Makerspace Creative Prayer!

The Maker's Space next session on  praying creatively is November 13, from 4-6pm.  Please note the new time to accommodate the church business meeting.

This is a safe place to bring friends, neighbors or teenagers who want to explore a creative way to pray.  Come and carve out some time to listen to God and see what He has to say!

Please RSVP to for your spot with supplies.


Kriste Sveen


Jesus- Yesterday, Today and Forever

"The 3 banners in the front of the sanctuary, represent the theme of our 75th Anniversary celebration, "Jesus--the same yesterday, today and forever."  The first banner is a depiction of Glen Ellyn Covenant's original building including the cornerstone, depicting yesterday. The second banner is today's present building, and the third is forever in the "new Jerusalem."


Look! See What God’s doing- Student Ministry Weekly Church Update


Student Ministry Update

The winter retreat has changed its dates to February 10th-12th. It will NOT be in January. The location remains the same.

Covenant Harbor – Lake Geneva, WI

 More details to come! Hope to see you there!





Love Offering

 Concluding our Glen Ellyn Food Pantry feature this month we will receive the Love Offering this coming Sunday, Oct. 30, for the Pantry. If you are inclined to help in other ways, the Pantry would love to have more volunteers to work with clients and help with other activities.

 Partnership Impact, Partner Gratitude

 The Missions Team continues enjoying reading newsletters from our partners and is also now receiving and reviewing Annual Missionary Partner Updates. Two examples of partnership impact and partner gratitude are:


Covenant World Relief & Development

Peter and Anna

 This couple, serving in Taiwan, had this to say about our partnership: “We have been friends and partners with GEECC for a long time and have been blessed in so many ways. When our daughter had surgery, there was help and prayers; when we needed things, GEECC helped to find them. When we visited, we felt cared for and invited. Thank you! Please keep doing these things as missionaries are deeply touched and strengthened in spirit by your prayers and actions.”

 Stop by the Missions display case to see more about Peter and Anna and other ministry partners.

Ongoing Opportunities

 For other ongoing needs and opportunities with our missions partners, contact Darren Miller or write to If interested, ask to be added to the list to receive newsletter updates.

 Stop by the Missions display case to see pictures and other highlights of our missionaries. For information on how to pray for them, contact Diane Brown to receive the GE COV Prayer Letter.