GE COV Weekly Newsletter

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Sundays at 9:30am.




Thanksgiving – Testimonies

1 Timothy 2:1-7



Dear Future Glen Ellyn Evangelical Covenant Church,

“Unless the Lord builds the house, its workers labor in vain.” -Psalm 127:1

It is November 7th, 2021, on a Sunday morning before church on our 75th Anniversary. As I sit down to write this letter, I am overwhelmed by thankfulness for what God has done, is doing, and what I am confident he will continue to do through the ministries of this little church on the corner of Hawthorne and Kenilworth. Even though I have only been on staff here for 10 and-a-half years, I know many of the stories of this church’s history and I know, that even in the hardest of times, God has walked alongside us the whole way. His faithfulness is so evident in the stories of this church.

I am not sure what your today looks like, dear church, but in our today the world has become a very divided place. During the pandemic people have been isolated and unable to gather in ways we have always been accustomed to. This isolation has taken a toll on our society. Our little church has done its best to continue to gather in the ways that we can, but it has not been without difficulty. It is a polarizing time. Sadly, our culture defines people by their political views rather than seeing the other as a child of God. It is a time when even Christians more readily share their political opinion than share the gospel; a time when even Christians more readily read and trust a random blog post than read and trust the Bible. Our church is not immune to these temptations, but we strive together to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. As we began this 75th year, the planning committee found a little journal from the 1st year of the church. Within this little journal was the petition, “We ask for prayers that God will lead us and guide us, and that we may never for one instant take our eyes from His lovely face.” We continue to pray this, and we continue to seek his face.

Throughout this trying season, our church has been focused on three things that we hope will keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we ask him to build this house. We are committed to Scripture, Prayer, and Fellowship. We believe that these three things drive us into mission together for the gospel! As we seek the face of Christ, we believe that he will transform us through his spirit to do God’s work our world. My desire is for our church to be a place where people come to understand and experience the depth of love that the cross speaks over us, and the hope that we have in the resurrected Jesus. Our monthly potlucks have become a place where we extend the table fellowship of the Lord’s Supper and spur one another on toward love and good deeds. And we continue to pray… we are a praying church. We seek the Lord’s wisdom in all we do, and our prayer has been that he would establish the work of our hands.  We ask him over and over again that he would keep our eyes fixed on Him and keep our hands to the plow.

I am so thankful that God has allowed me to shepherd this flock at this time. I will continue to be thankful and serve here for as long as He allows me to be a part of His work here at Glen Ellyn Covenant. If you are reading this, I implore you: continue to call the church back to faithfulness to the scriptures, repentance of sin, proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gathering of the church, and commitment to seeing Christ’s kingdom come on earth.

May we never take our eyes from his lovely face.

Grace and peace to you,

Pastor Jeff



We are meeting Sunday evenings @277 Hawthorne, G.E. Covenant Church. We are looking at 5 questions that God asks us, even though He knows the answers, using a different medium of art to slow down, and listen to what He has to say to each one of us. Additional questions will be provided to help you have more dialogue with family and friends!

All are welcome. No art experience necessary. Supplies provided.

Go to the website for more information. RSVP is not necessary but appreciated!



Please continue to pray for Grant Lantz as he undergoes various forms of therapy. If you would like to send him a card please send to this address:

503 Parkway Dr.

Wheaton. Illinois, 60187



Connor Brown continues his Adult Sunday School series on 1 Corinthians this Sunday at 11am.  Join us downstairs in the Family Life Center, or tune in remotely via Zoom.  We will use this same link every week: