GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.





Colossians 3:12-17



We’re one week away from Kick-off Sunday, September 11th! Service starts at 9:30AM.

On Kick-off Sunday we come together as a church to re-launch our Sunday School and other ministry programs after taking a summer break. In this service, we’ll pray for our volunteers, talk about what to expect this coming Fall, and how you can get and stay connected with a group.

Children’s ministry will have their own service at 9:30AM. Parents please check-in your children at the check-in counter and take them directly to their class.

The Bible tells us to race as if we’re trying to obtain a prize. The beautiful truth about being apart of the Body of Christ is that we don’t have to run our race of faith alone.

Join us on Kick-off Sunday to learn how you can connect with other believers as you walk and grow in your faith journey.

An outdoor picnic will follow right after service, 11AM-1:00PM. If it rains, we’ll gather in the FLC.

Please bring a dish according to your last name:

A-M: Bring a side dish

N-Z: Bring a dessert

See you on Kick-off Sunday!



Women's Bible Study New Topic: Deuteronomy/ the Kindness of God

Join other women for Bible study and a warm time of fellowship.

  • Tuesdays, 9:30-11am – Topic: Why did Jesus quote from the book of Deuteronomy more than any other book? It is about the kindness of God. Join us this fall for a new way of looking at Deuteronomy. For an overview of the book, see The Bible Project video:

  • Saturdays, 8-9:30am – Topic: Join us to fellowship, pray, and preview the scripture passage for Sunday’s worship service.

Currently meeting via Zoom; looking at options for hybrid in-person and Zoom format this fall. No commitment and no preparation needed. Visitors welcome - stop in and try it out!

For the Zoom link, please contact the church office (630-469-5405 or

For questions, contact either Susan Ferrell ( or Karen Hudson.



"Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from Him." -Psalms 127:3

We are proud to announce new additions to the family!

Holly Pelsor gave birth to Camden Scott Pelsor who arrived last Friday at 9:58 a.m. weighing 7 lbs 15 oz. Mother and baby are doing just fine.

We additionally celebrate the life of Nathan James Williams, born to Susan and Joe Crickmore-Williams on August 26th!

Welcome newborns!



We had a wonderful time with our college students this past Sunday (we had 20 students attend the lunch at Pastor Jeff’s house)! It was a great time to get to know them and give them some space outside of their school communities to hang out. We have an amazing opportunity to participate in the spiritual formation and care of young people through our church.

The impact the Lord can make through our church could be far-reaching indeed when you think about the lives that these college students will touch over the span of their lifetime. How wonderful would it be if they remembered our church as a place where they felt a sense of belonging, came to grow in their knowledge and love of God, BUT ALSO developed a life-long habit of being actively involved in the local church? I am so excited our church could be used in this way! God is doing wonderful things through the college and student ministries at GEECC.


Want to be involved? We are always looking for folks to host our college kids or provide some food. Click here to sign up! if you are interested in volunteering.





Below is an update of a camp ministry that Glen Ellyn Covenant supports.

Harbor Point Ministries

An impressive 2,700-plus campers were served by this ministry this summer. The August issue of the Central Conference E-Newsletter reported that 2,195 campers participated at Covenant Harbor and 540 attended camp at Covenant Point. The Conference also reported that the camp ministry was well-resourced and regularly lifted up in prayer by more than 200 prayer partners. Our church received a generous congregation Love Offering in February in support of "Every Kid A Camper" scholarships.

Missions Display Case

If you have not already, we encourage you to look at the new Missions display case in the atrium. Among the current highlights are pictures from Julius and Heleen’s wedding.

Ongoing Opportunities

For information on ongoing opportunities to support our missions partners—whether missionaries or local or international ministries—contact Darren Miller. Let him know or write to if you would like to be added to a Friends of Missionaries distribution list and receive newsletters from our missions partners. Contact Diane Brown to receive the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes items for our missionaries.