GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.





Matthew 5:9



On Sunday, August 28th, we will be receiving a Love Offering for the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.

This fund is dispersed at the pastors’ discretion according to a person’s known needs.  It is our way,

the Body of Christ’s way of caring for our brothers and sisters in Christ who have a true need. 

Thanks be to God that we can be part of this form of loving one another.



The location for our meeting has changed to the church. We will NOT meet at Jeff and Jori’s house. We will meet in the FLC.

The date and time remain the same.

Wednesday August 24th 6:00PM to 7:30PM.

Dinner from Caputos (Marinara and Alfredo Pasta) will be served.

Please bring a side dish such as a salad, bread or dessert to share.

If you’re unable to make this date there is a makeup date. See the children’s ministries newsletter for that date and time and email Crystal to let her know you’ll need to mee this day.



We’re three weeks away from Kick-off Sunday, September 11th! Service starts at 9:30AM.

On Kick-off Sunday we come together as a church to re-launch our Sunday School and other ministry programs after taking a summer break. In this service, we’ll pray for our volunteers, talk about what to expect this coming Fall, and how you can get and stay connected with a group.

Children’s ministry will have their own service at 9:30AM. Parents please check-in your children at the check-in counter and take them directly to their class.

The Bible tells us to race as if we’re trying to obtain a prize. The beautiful truth about being apart of the Body of Christ is that we don’t have to run our race of faith alone.

Join us on Kick-off Sunday to learn how you can connect with other believers as you walk and grow in your faith journey.

An outdoor picnic will follow right after service, 11AM-1:00PM. If it rains, we’ll gather in the FLC.

Please bring a dish according to your last name:

A-M: Bring a side dish

N-Z: Bring a dessert

See you on Kick-off Sunday!



Women's Bible Study New Topic: Deuteronomy/ the Kindness of God

Join other women for Bible study and a warm time of fellowship.

  • Tuesdays, 9:30-11am – Topic: Why did Jesus quote from the book of Deuteronomy more than any other book? It is about the kindness of God. Join us this fall for a new way of looking at Deuteronomy. For an overview of the book, see The Bible Project video:

  • Saturdays, 8-9:30am – Topic: Join us to fellowship, pray, and preview the scripture passage for Sunday’s worship service.

Currently meeting via Zoom; looking at options for hybrid in-person and Zoom format this fall. No commitment and no preparation needed. Visitors welcome - stop in and try it out!

For the Zoom link, please contact the church office (630-469-5405 or

For questions, contact either Susan Ferrell ( or Karen Hudson.



“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 127:3

A healthy baby boy was born to Annie and Greg Sparacio on Monday, August 1st.

A healthy baby boy was born to Tom and Lindsay McAndrews on Thursday, August 11th.

Join us in praising and thanking God for these beautiful gifts!



Good morning Church Family!

As a parent of five young kids, I have been blessed many times over by the people who have volunteered to care for and teach on Sunday mornings. Not only is this a blessing to me and my husband as we can sit in church or serve in other ways, but my kids have formed meaningful relationships with several adults that make them feel part of our church body. They look forward to Sunday school with Mr. Kempe and playing in the preschool room with Mrs. Manning. These adults are part of my kids spiritual formation now and they have made a difference in their lives by sharing the love of Jesus with them. There are so many ways to volunteer in our children’s ministry. 

1. Nursery. This is for babies/tots ages 0-2 years old. Volunteers are needed during the church service and during the Sunday school hour. Grab a friend!! Serve with your spouse!! Hold babies!! This volunteer role requires no prep - just show up! I have yet to fill any spots this fall for the Sunday School hour in nursery. If everyone would get a buddy and sign up for ONE SUNDAY in the Sunday school hour, you could let parents go to Sunday school! What a blessing to these tired moms and dads. Click on the google doc below and sign up or email me if there is a Sunday (or two!) you think you would be able serve. If we cannot find volunteers for these spots, the nursery will not be able to open during the Sunday school hour.

2. Preschool. This is for kids ages 2-5. This group of kids is a joy to be around on a Sunday morning. They sing, read Bible stories, have a snack, and play! And again, there is no prep for this role! You can just show up and play with kids and bless the young families of our church. Please contact Katie Johnson if this sounds like a place you’d like to serve! 

3. Kindergarten-5th grade. Crystal has prayerfully and faithfully led this ministry. We are so thankful for her! But she can’t do it alone. Children’s church happens during the service. Sunday school hour involves large group time and small group time. These kids need people to teach them about the awesome and unbelievable love of Jesus! They need adults to serve during the worship hour this Fall; who care deeply about their hearts and want to listen and develop hearts that take after Jesus. If this is somewhere you’d like to service, please contact Crystal.

Now I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are more young families showing up consistently on Sunday mornings. Praise God! Our children’s ministries are full of life and laughter and the goodness of God. Please prayerfully consider if you might be able to serve in any of these areas.

Many blessings,

Jen Casey and the Children’s Ministry Team




Each week in our staff meetings we’ve begun to celebrate some WINS by naming what we see God leading and doing in our ministries.  But we cannot keep this to ourselves and must share these celebrations with you!  In the coming weeks, different ministries will be giving updates on how and what God is doing in His church.  This week our update will cover matters pertaining to the entire church.

This week our Director of Worship, Leslie Hodgkinson, answers the following questions: What has it been like for you to sit with the first 12 verses of Matthew, chapter 5 – The Beatitudes? What has God been saying, teaching you during these weeks? 

For me, planning worship services around one verse, has been a challenge!  Yet with each upcoming Sunday, I have enjoyed the study of the main idea (meek, peacemakers, etc.) and searching for accompanying texts that will speak of who God is, his love for the world, and language for the liturgical acts that aid us in giving verbal/sung expression to God. In all that, do you know what God is doing?  He is forming himself in ME, in ways that I could never have expected – and maybe didn’t want but needed.  Is that happening to you, also?  May God, by his Spirit, continue to prompt our hearts and minds toward transformation in Christ.  May our joining together in worship be the sustaining practice by which we are encouraged and spurred on to finish the race.






The Glen Ellyn Food Pantry needs volunteers to work shifts with clients.

The greatest needs are Mon. - Thurs. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00 - 3:00 pm and Tues. evenings 4:50 - 6:40 pm. The Pantry continues to be in great need of food and personal products; top needs are listed here:

Call 630-469-6988 or message for more information and to volunteer.

Ongoing Opportunities

For information on ongoing opportunities to support any of our missions partners, whether missionaries or local or international ministries, contact Darren Miller. Also let him know if you would like to be added to a Friends of Missionaries missions updates distribution list. To receive the GE COV Prayer Letter, which includes items for our missionaries, contact Diane Brown.