GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

Sunday Music: “O Worship the King” “Overcome” “Holy Spirit” “The Blessing”
“What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine”





Lucia December 10th 5pm

Our annual celebration of Lucia is right around the corner and we need you! We are looking for more helpers for this event. Interested? Sign ups for food and other help are in higher grounds. To get involved, contact; or


operation: shoe box due nov. 19

Packed shoe boxes are due at church Next Sunday November 19th. Labels and information are provided at the Children’s Ministry bulletin Board (CM). Questions? Please contact Susan Cornett at

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”

-Psalm 127:3


this week in Adult Sunday School

Last Sunday for these 3 classes;

Pastor Dawn offers a study on “The Beloved Community”, an invitation to learn more about becoming ambassadors of reconciliation. God is reconciling all things to Himself through Jesus Christ, and He has called His disciples to a ministry of reconciliation. (Family Life Center)

Pastor Jeff leads the discussion “Continuing the Conversation” focusing on Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians (Chapel)

Local author Skye Jethani, teaches (via Right Now Media) about Life with God exploring four flawed postures in our relationship with God: Life Under God Over God, From God and For God. Then Skye offers a hopeful invitation to relationship with the God who loves us. Class facilitated by Andrea and Jon Martin (Conference room)

There will be no Sunday School classes on November 26th. Join in adorning the sanctuary during the Sunday School hour.


women’s bible studies

Our Women’s Evening Bible Study is every other Wednesday night, 6:30-8 PM (coinciding with the Midweek children’s program). We are in the book of Acts. Pastor Dawn will upload a video after each lesson, so you can watch if you miss it. Upcoming dates: Nov. 29th and Dec. 13th. Questions? Please email Pastor Dawn Lauber at Midweek Women's Bible Study Registration

Join our Zoom Bible Studies from wherever you are!

  • Tuesdays, 9:30-11am: Hebrews starting in October

  • Saturdays, 8-9:30am: preview of Bible text for each Sunday’s sermon

Zoom link. (password if needed: Welcome!)

Questions: Fern Williams (630-945-2725; or Wendy Miller (; 630-596-6487).


Men’s Bible Study

“Fight the Good Fight of Faith” Men join Pastor Jeff in studying Paul’s 1st letter to Timothy every other Wednesday opposite of the Women’s Bible Study 6:30-8:30pm. Upcoming dates: Dec. 6th and 20th.


Windsor Lunch

November Windsor Lunch with the Pastors is November 30th at 11:30am in the Bistro. Bring your own lunch. No lunch on November 23rd (Thanksgiving).



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Monday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Holiday Activities Supporting the GE Food Pantry
With the community’s support the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry has distributed more than 75,000 bags of groceries so far this year. Since its move in August it has provided more than 250 bags of groceries per day.

To help meet needs during the upcoming holiday season, Joseph and the youth are distributing door hangers this month; and envelopes will be available at church.

The Pantry’s 2023 Advent Calendar could be a fun way to involve children and families by collecting one essential grocery item each day during Advent and then providing the items to the Pantry.