GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon

1 Thessalonians 2:13-20                                                                                          



food drive announcement

We will be collecting food for the upcoming food drive!

Each bag will have an attached list of items that need to be collected. They will be located on a table outside the sanctuary.

Bags for the Ark will be handed out October 4th and 5th,

Bags for the church will be handed out on October 8th.

Please return the bags before October 13th.


kickoff sunday

Fall Kickoff Potluck is next Sunday, October 8th after Sunday School.

Last names with A-M; please bring a side
Last names with N-Z; please bring a dessert!

We will have a bouncy house and Portillo’s!

Come for a time of food, and fellowship!



Right Time, Right Place: God working in our stories

Next Thursday, October 5th, 6:30 PM

Worship Night and Dessert Reception

Guest Speaker, Courtney Crowder, serves as the Grassroots Organizer for the Northeast and Central regions of the U.S. for World Vision Advocacy Mobilization.

She equips and mentors volunteers to advocate to their members of Congress around issues of extreme poverty throughout the world. Using humor and hard-earned insights, Courtney will encourage women of all ages and in all seasons of life to use their gifts in service of God and others.


adult spiritual formation

Adult Sunday School last week- Dr. Andy Abernethy, focusing on our core value: Savoring Scripture. Join us for coffee and teaching in the Family Life Center.

Midweek Evening Bible Studies begin October 11th – women and men meeting on opposite Wednesdays till December. 6:30-8 PM.

Women begin on October 11th studying the book of Acts with Pastor Dawn.

Men begin on October 18th studying from 1st Timothy with Pastor Jeff. Bring a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or family member!

Windsor Lunch with the Pastors - September 28, 11:30am in the Bistro. Bring your own lunch.



Midweek Children’s program will begin on October 11th, meeting every other Wednesday to coincide with the Women’s Evening Bible Study. 6:30-8 PM.



Trunk-or-treat will be happening Wednesday, October 25th! Use the QR code above or the link below to sign up to host a trunk!

More details coming soon!



Mark your calendars:

October 9th climbing event for Jr League.

October 14th hi-league retreat in Michigan.

Sunday School every week for both, following Worship downstairs.

See Joseph Sawyer, Student Ministries director, for more information.



This season we will be once again using ancient spiritual discipline practices along with art to slow ourselves and allow space to speak with and hear from God.

Come and allow yourself to breathe and listen to what God has to say to you as we praise Him exploring word art as demonstrated in Heather Holdsworth's new book "Landscape of Hope: an Illustrated Journey Into the Psalms.” We will meet in Munson Hall on Sunday, Oct. 8, from 5-7pm

All are welcome and free to bring neighbors and friends. 

Please RSVP to so we have enough supplies.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

ATTENTION: The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Thursday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcome to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Praying for Our Missions Partners
We encourage ongoing prayer for the local and global personnel and service agencies we support—four Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) couples, three non-ECC couples and three individuals, and several local and international organizations. Highlights of partners and their activities are shown in our missions display case.

Other Items
Updates from our partners are available in their newsletters and in some cases on the partner’s website. Let Darren Miller know via if you would like to be added to the newsletter distribution list. Contact Diane Brown to receive the GE COV Prayer Letter.