GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.


Sunday Sermon

Luke 19:1-10                                       



Holy croutons!

Some of you may have picked up croutons that I called “Holy Croutons”. These croutons are made from leftover communion bread. Because the bread has been blessed, we don’t just throw away what is leftover, but we either return them to the earth by feeding them to ducks or other wild animals; OR, we can reconstitute the bread into CROUTONS!

Holy Croutons!

We are looking for people to help with the SET Up and CLEAN UP of weekly Communion.

OR perhaps you would like to provide bread for a Sunday.

Would you consider joining part of the group that prepares the sacred meal of our Lord that we share together in each Sunday’s worship service? We will teach you how to be involved in this wonderful ministry of Communion.

See Leslie, Peter Johnson, Meg Tillman, or one of the Pastors if interested.



Join Pastor Jeff and his family for a night of fun, food and fellowship, 5-7pm! Bring your meat to grill, a side dish to share. and enjoy the summer evening together!

The final one of the Summer will be Wednesday, August 16th.



“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” -Colossians 4:2

The Church prayer meetings are on Zoom every Thursday night at 7pm!

Zoom ID: 859 848 614

Password: geecc

All are welcomed to this sweet hour of prayer! See you there!



Missions Focus

Special Guest This Sunday
We are looking forward to a visit this Sunday from Julius Coomson, who leads a ministry called “Makers of Disciple Makers.” The Ministry is a discipleship training program for students at the University of Ghana in Accra, Ghana, as well as evangelistic outreach programs for high school students. Julius also serves as a Pastor and Preacher at Legon Interdenominational Church.

He worshipped with us here at Glen Ellyn Covenant Church and graced us with his preaching while he was studying at Wheaton College Graduate School several years ago. Our church has supported his ministry ever since. Julius will preach on Sunday, and then share an update on his ministry from 11:00-11:45. Refreshments will be available.

Please take this opportunity to meet Julius and learn about his ministry!