GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.




Dear GCOV Family and Friends,

Grace & peace to you! I hope these first few days of 2022 find you in good health and in the providence of God! First off, I want to thank you for your prayers for my family. We are on the mend and feeling much better by the grace of God!  Please continue to pray as many in our community are wrestling with various illnesses. 

Secondly, as the pandemic continues to impact all of us in various ways, I wanted to give you some information that will at least help you understand a little bit of how we as a church staff and programming are planning to function over the next few weeks. We hope that you help us operate in a way that both keeps people safe, and is not driven by fear. 

·    We will continue to gather for worship services on Sunday Mornings at 9:30.

o  For the next few weeks, we will distribute communion elements as people enter, in order to maintain some distancing.

o  The offering will be collected as people exit at the end of the service.

o  If you are feeling ill or have any symptoms of illness, we encourage you to participate via our livestream on Youtube.

o  Please practice social distancing and wear a mask while in the church unless you are actively drinking or participating in communion.

·    The Sunday School led by Connor Brown will be moved to a larger space in order to be able to maintain distancing.

o  This may affect our ability to stream, but we are hoping to be able to continue to provide a zoom option to participate.

o  We are still not sure exactly where this class will be held, but we are looking at the sanctuary as an option.

o  We highly encourage this class. Connor Brown is a gifted teacher!

·    Children and Student Ministry Programs will continue to happen as long as we can maintain volunteer participation.

o  We will frequently check in with our volunteers to make sure they are well and comfortable serving. If they are, then the programs will continue.

o  If your child is ill or exhibiting symptoms of illness, please keep them home.

o  Please be patient with us. We will try to inform everyone if there is a cancellation of a program or class, but due to the changing nature of things, we may have to make last minute decisions.

o  If you are a volunteer, please keep whoever oversees your ministry area updated on your health and willingness to participate. Thank you for serving!! We need you!

·    During the month of January, we will not have Sunday night programs.

o  There will, however, be a congregational meeting on Sunday, January 30th at 6:00PM. As of now, this meeting will be held via zoom.

·    As cases begin to decrease we will take steps toward gathering the way we are all used to!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We care deeply about each one of you and want to create ways to meet the needs of those in our community no matter where they are. As we continue in this mode where there is no sense of "normal," I want to encourage you with these words from the book of Hebrews, "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf." Praise be to our LORD and Savior!

In the craziness of life and the persistence of a pandemic, let us hold on to Jesus, who was, is, and always will be! He is holding you fast in the middle of the storm! You are dearly loved. 


Pastor Jeff



John 2:1-11




Our Annual Congregational meeting will be on Sunday, January 30th at 6:00PM. As of now, this meeting will be held via zoom.



Join other women for Bible study, prayer, connection and a warm time of fellowship.

  • Tuesdays, 9:30-11am – Topic: Starting fresh with I Peter on January 18 – a new study about living in an upside down kingdom.

  • Saturdays, 8-9:30am – Topic: Preview the scripture passage for Sunday’s worship service.


Currently meeting via Zoom. All are welcome. Join any time, come for one session or many!

For questions or the Zoom link, please contact Susan Ferrell (, Karen Hudson or the church office (630-469-5405 or



Expanding Partnership to Deliver Groceries to Local Refugees

Did you know we provide essential groceries once a month to 150 refugee families through our initiative called Grocery Care Pack? It all started during the pandemic in the spring of 2020, when the Pantry was approached by Exodus World Service, whose mission is to mobilize the Christian community to welcome and befriend refugees.

Since then, on the second Tuesday of every month, groceries from the Northern Illinois Food Bank, Pantry donations and very limited purchases, are sorted into 150 “Care Packs” by dozens of dedicated volunteers. The groceries are then delivered to the homes of refugees in the area. Today that sorting process takes place at our new Grocery Care Pack home at Parkview Community Church in Glen Ellyn. New refugee families, many from Afghanistan, are arriving in DuPage County weekly, so the need for this service is growing steadily.

If you’d like to make a difference by volunteering, please email and we can fill you in on the opportunities and send you a link to sign-up.




Come join us in person, at church, Sunday, Jan.23, 5:30-7:00pm  Supplies will be provided.

If you join us by LIVE Zoom, RSVP in order to receive the ZOOM  link,  You will need some magazines, a canvas board, basic school glue and a brush, and colored tissue paper.