GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 9:30am.




Pia Restrepo, ECC Serve Global Regional Coordinator for Latin America

Pia has over 25 years of experience in missions and ministry in the Covenant. Pia and her husband Eugenio currently serve as our denomination’s Latin America Regional Coordinators. She will be preaching on Malachi 3:10. Please welcome, Pia!



Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month?  Some suspect that it is a holiday that that was established by Hallmark, but in actuality the celebration began in 1992 as “Clergy Appreciation Month” with a mission of uplifting and encouraging pastors, missionaries and religious workers.  We are privileged to have a wonderful pastor and a faithful staff.  We are thankful for the leadership that Pastor Jeff provides and for the beautiful ministry of the entire staff… both those who have been with us for some time and those who have recently joined the staff.  Please take a few moments over the coming days to express your appreciation to Pastor Jeff, and to Jori, and to our staff.  I was recently struck by the words of leadership guru Peter Drucker who said, “Over the years I have made a career out of studying the most challenging management roles out there. After all of that I am now convinced the two most difficult jobs in the world are these—one, to be President of the United States, and two, to be the leader of a church.”  Pastor Jeff, thank you for answering God’s call!

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Cookbooks are in! They will be available for pick up on Sunday morning.



Sunday, October 10, 9:30am

Pia Restrepo, ECC Serve Global Regional Coordinator for Latin America

For the second Sunday in our 2021 Missions Conference, we are pleased to welcome Pia Restrepo to Glen Ellyn Covenant!  Pia has over 25 years of experience in missions and ministry in the Covenant.  Pia and her husband Eugenio currently serve as our denomination’s Latin America Regional Coordinators.  She will be preaching on Malachi 3:10.  Please welcome, Pia!

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.  – Malachi 3:10

Sunday, October 10, 11:00am – noon

Fellow GEECCers!

After worship, join us in the gym to hear from fellow GEECC members about their experiences in missions right here in DuPage County, and learn how you can get involved, too!  All ages are welcome.  Did we mention that there will be coffee and refreshments?

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Trunk-or-treat is on October 16th from 3-6pm. We are having a trunk decoration competition so we need you to sign up to host a trunk!

Find all details about trunk-or-treat here!


Please SIGN UP NOW so Patti can bring the right amount of salmon.



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Bring food for the food drive this Sunday and drop it off at the front desk.


Dear GCOV Family and Friends,

After much prayer and discernment, the 75th anniversary committee has decided to postpone our November 6th dinner celebration. At the heart of the decision was a desire to have our whole church family present, which we knew would not happen under current circumstances. While we know it is impossible to put on an event with 100% participation, we would still like to have as many as possible of those who desire to be there. At the RSVP cut off, we had less than half our members and regular attenders tell us they would be present. We also had requests from long-time members that we postpone. While we know this is disappointing for us, we ask that you do four things:

1.      Please pray. Pray that our church continues (as it has for 75 years) to follow Jesus no matter the cost. That we would not, for even one second, turn our eyes away from his beautiful face or our ears from God’s Word.

2.      Please bear patiently with us as we all journey together during a time of constant change and moments of disappointment. As Christians, our love of Christ is proven in our response to various circumstances.

3.      Come to church on Sunday, November 7th! We are still celebrating our church’s 75th anniversary on this Sunday. We will have a guest preacher from our past, we will have an extended coffee time and food outside (rain or shine), and we will bury a time capsule on the church property to remind a future generations at GEECC of God’s faithfulness!

4.      Get super excited for when we do have our celebration dinner in the Spring or next Fall!

If you have any questions, please contact anyone on the 75th anniversary committee.

The 75th Anniversary Committee:
Pastor Jeff
Julie Munson (chair)
Judy Barg
Ken & Susan Brooks
Diane Brown
Nancy Jackson
Tom & Lindsay McAndrews
Bunny Mirrilees


The Tribe of Dan and Worship Arts would like to display our 8x10 black and white pictures of our church saints who have gone before us to be with the Lord, on All Saints Day, Nov. 1.

We have not done this during the pandemic, so we have some of our own beloved who have passed during these past two years.  If you would like your loved one's picture displayed in the sanctuary on All Saints Day, please submit a black and white 8x10 picture and  name and dates and short bio of how they are connected to you, by Oct.15!  If you know of others who do not see this newsletter and are connected to our church, please pass this along.

Any questions, see Leslie or Kriste Sveen