GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 10am.




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Congregational Meeting

There will be a congregational meeting this Sunday August 29th @ 6PM. It will be held in the sanctuary and streamed for those who cannot make it.

Sunday Worship Time Change

Starting September 12th, our Sunday Worship service will start at 9:30AM. Following this Kick-Off service we will have an All-Church Picnic. The church will provide the main dish and we ask that you bring the following:

A-M - Side Dish

N-Z - Dessert

Membership Class

There is a membership class starting September 16th. For more details please contact Pastor Jeff Root.

An Invitation to Respond Using all Worship Arts

In anticipation of our 75th anniversary celebration, we artists need to have a response to God's faithfulness yesterday, now and forever...[the theme].  Since some of our founders were artists themselves, we stand on very strong shoulders. We have a responsibility to carry on our mission as artists in the church to proclaim God's Glory and His marvelous works as well as what the Holy Spirit is proclaiming through us using our gifts in the arts.

As a way of providing inspiration, we will look to Psalm 75.  It is only 10 verses and covers a multitude of topics.  Please meditate on it. If you only want to focus on the first couple of verses, that is good as well.  Let the Holy Spirit inspire you to respond to God's word in Psalm 75.   For the visual artists, please work as large as you are able, since our gallery is in the sanctuary for this celebration.  I would like to begin hanging your artwork in October, or before.  All work of "Living in the Resurrection" will be taken down in October.  Thank you all for your participation and your willingness to allow your work to be displayed throughout these long months of the pandemic.  They were wonderfully hopeful and healing!

We also have thought of the hymn "Now Thank We All Our God" as a theme song that was written from Psalm 75.  You may use that as well for inspiration. All of the arts are welcome; dance, poetry, visual, music etc.  Let your imagination soar!

Thank you for considering participating in this all congregation celebration!  Your work adds to the whole response and we will all be blessed by your gift!
If you have any questions, contact Kriste Sveen.

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We are also asking you to upload pictures and stories that you have from over the years at GEECC. You may upload these things HERE or bring them into the office.

We are excited to start celebrating with you!