GE COV Weekly Newsletter

Join us Each week in person or online
Sundays at 10am.



From Pastor Jeff’s Desk…


When I was young and we would sing “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” in church, I never knew what the word “fetter” meant. Maybe you know the song, “Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee.” If you are like I was, I just sang the song and glossed over that part because I had no idea what I was singing. I remember one day, my youth pastor stopped in the middle of singing the song and asked us high school kids, “Do you all know what a fetter is?”

I sheepishly looked around to see if I was the only one shaking my head but found comfort as a saw many others doing the same. That day I learned that a fetter is a chain. I also learned an entirely new concept of God and his goodness. I finally realized what I was asking God as I sang this wonderful hymn: that he would let his goodness chain my heart to him.

As I reflect on what this means, I am so thankful for Jesus. It is the goodness of God, displayed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus that binds my heart to Him. He is the anchor and the chain that keeps me secure.

There are also two other major implications of this. First, the goodness of God chains me to everyone else who belongs to Christ. So, in a sense, we are “birds of a fetter!” We are connected to one another in a way that cannot be broken. Second, being chained to God in Christ means that my life is given up to him in all things. I am no longer a slave to the world and it’s values, but I am chained to Christ and his.

Hang in there, my beloved!

This Week’s text

Ezekiel 37:1-14



How would you finish the above statement?   . . . provision, goodness, love, forgiveness, faithfulness, care . . . you can see the ‘words’ of response are endless because God is abundant in giving to his children!

During the summer months we want to hear your stories of testimony to God.  Testimonies are little and big – and all of them matter.  For example, I (Leslie)could tell you that during the entire pandemic, my husband and I did a weekly Zoom call with our friends from college.  We celebrated our friendship last week by being able to meet in person!  Walking with these dear friends during a time of isolation brought us laughter, and a deeper awareness of one another’s daily living, which included deaths and births of family members.  We created and became community for one another; being able to become God’s instruments of compassion, care, celebration, and encouragement.  Thanks be to God for Zoom!

What is your story?  Let Leslie or Pastor Jeff know if you have a story to share in worship.  We want to hear from you!


“Good morning!  We are so glad you are here today, “ the usher said with a smile 😊.

Doesn’t it feel wonderful when someone greets you as you enter a space – a friend’s home, a store, a restaurant, a doctor’s office, and a church building?  It does! 

As we are moving out of the pandemic’s restrictions, we are also inviting many others to be part of the ministry of ushering.  This is a very important part of our worship ministry and is the first act of hospitality that someone will experience in our church.  Welcoming people, making sure they know where they can sit, perhaps directing someone to the nursery, etc.  Other responsibilities include lighting the candles, unlocking/locking the front doors, and putting the offering in a secure location following worship. 

WE NEED MANY of you to sign up to be part of this ministry!  Here’s who qualifies:

·         Entire Families

·         Single Persons

·         Married Persons

·         Young Persons

·         Older Persons

Do you like to greet people?  Do you love this church?  Are you a welcoming person? Are you looking for a place to serve that requires no prior experience or prep time?  Can you commit to 1 – 4 Sundays per quarter (or year)?  Can you arrive at church at 9:30 on a Sunday morning?  If the answer is a resounding YES!, then please contact Leslie at church and she can get you started on one of the most important and joyful roles in the church – that of an USHER!

Weeders needed!

Did you notice how tidy the church gardens looked after our ALL Church Work Day in April? It was a showcase! But as you know, weeds grow a pace and ours are no exception. They are rearing their ugly heads again. What we need is a few willing souls to adopt a small section of the grounds and keep it weed free this summer. No experience or tools necessary. Contact Diane Brown if you are interested (630)-334-1087 or email at

75th Anniversary of GEECC

Our church is creating a custom cookbook, to commemorate 75 years, featuring favorite recipes from our members! Please submit your favorite recipes so you can be represented in our cookbook. You can submit online or bring hardcopies into the office. Please submit by June 30th! Find all info about the church cook book HERE.

We are also asking you to upload pictures and stories that you have from over the years at GEECC. You may upload these things HERE or bring them into the office.

We are excited to start celebrating with you!


A few people have recently asked how they can financially support Madison Feddeler's short term mission project.  Madison is a Wheaton College student who is a regular attender of GEECC and faithful volunteer in our youth ministry.  Many of you heard Madison share about her upcoming opportunity with Mission to the World in Monterey, Mexico this summer. We are excited about her desire to answer God's call and GO! 

To support Madison financially, you can visit or you can contact the church office and we will give you the correct information for sending something in the mail. 



This January, a group of us were part of a book club study initiated by one of our own, Claudia Root.  We read and discussed the book Culture Care by Makoto Fujimura.  At the same time, The Maker's Space was doing book/art workshops on the same book Culture Care.  That is why I decided to join in on the book club discussions.  As it turns out, this book is a call to action, to use our creativity in order to bridge the different cultures in which we find ourselves.  What came out of our discussions, was an online art gallery, where artists could have a platform to share what they have created in order to help all of us as a community interpret and live in the culture around us.  We wanted this to be accessible and diverse and to be a place where all artists, emerging and professional would have a voice and an estuary to be who they were created to be to help all of us grow and be all we were intended to be.

The gallery opening is May 20 and will run through June 20. It is free to all and open to all. Please enjoy the art and tell your family and friends about this unique opportunity to view art that speaks to us all in these present times. Go to to view the art and to sign up for the opening, May 20, 7pm.


Staff Opening

We ask our Glen Ellyn Covenant Church Members for your prayers as we begin the search for a Fours Afternoon Teacher for the 2021-2022 school year.  This class is Tuesday through Friday from 12:30-3:00 p.m.  If you or anyone you may know have an interest in this ministry and would like to find out more about this part-time position, please contact Holly Pelsor at 630-858-7755 or by email: by June 15th.  Thank you for your prayers and continued support of The Ark Preschool.

Sunday Morning Children’s Ministries

We offer three age-appropriate children’s ministries programs each Sunday during the worship service: Nursery for infants & toddlers; Preschool for 2’s through prekindergarten; and Elementary for grades K-5. Our check in desk opens at 9:45 am on Sundays and we are usually ready to accept children in classrooms beginning at 9:50; that gives parents extra time to get settled in the sanctuary and be ready to worship! If you have any questions about our children’s ministries, please contact NOTE: Until vaccines for children and students are readily available or we have achieved reasonable herd immunity, we are asking our volunteers to wear masks while serving with the children, regardless of vaccine status.

What’s in the Box?

whats in the box.jpeg

“What’s in the Box?” is our special weekly children’s message. This has been online on Facebook and/or YouTube since the pandemic crisis began in March 2020! Our current series will end on June 27. Then, we’ll launch a short five-week series of devotions on the Names of God. Then, we will take a short break for the rest of the summer. If you’re interested in recording one of these stories or messages for our children, please contact Pam Powell.

Being Young Doesn’t Prevent You From Going God’s Way


This week our preschoolers are learning that they can tell others about God. We will hear the story of a young king named Josiah. Not only did he believe God’s way is perfect and choose to go God’s way, he told others about God’s way, too! We want our preschoolers to know that, even though they are young, they can tell others that “God’s way is perfect” (2 Samuel 22:31 NIrV). You can read this story with your child from 2 Chronicles 34 or watch the Bible story video together, available on the church website.

Practice Talking About God

This month we have focused on growing in faith as being something we have to work toward, just like preparing to run a 5K race. We have learned that we need to HEAR from God (by studying His Word, the Bible); we need to TALK to God with an active prayer life; we need to TALK about God to others (Jesus commanded it with the Great Commission!); and we need to LIVE for God. This week, we head to Matthew 16:13-20. Jesus asked his disciples who people thought He is. Then Jesus turned the question on them: after everything they’d see Jesus do and heard Jesus say, who did they think He was? This gave Peter the perfect moment to declare what he believed about Jesus – that He truly is the Son of God. The bottom line is: Practice talking about God. We can know God better be talking about Him with others. As kids process their growing faith, they will have questions and doubts. We walk kids to practice talking about God and learn how to talk through their questions about God with others who believe in Jesus. This leads to the key question: Who can you talk to God about? Talking about what God is doing in your life is a significant part of growing in faith. This can feel overwhelming to kids who may have never really chatted about their faith with anyone before. We want to be a trustworthy sounding board to help them process their questions and listen to their faith stories.

Summer’s Coming! Join the Fun in our Children’s Classes

As Memorial Day weekend approaches, we will see a shift to summer attendance patterns. Families will be able to take vacations and our faithful volunteers will be taking breaks as well. Can you help us out during this season? We are now scheduling volunteers for Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary, from now through Labor Day weekend). Several of you have already scheduled your monthly service and we are so grateful for you! If you are available to help once a month over the summer in any age group, please contact

Movie in the field


Open to all 6th-12th graders. We will be watching The Greatest Showman (rated PG). Bring your blankets and pillows, pick a spot in the field, and settle in for a movie night.

Confirmation Sunday—May 23

Mark your calendars to Hannah and John Martin who are being confirmed! We will have Nothing Bundt Cake mini bundt cakes afterward in the parking lot to celebrate.

Parent gathering—May 24 7pm

Meeting ID: 891 1730 5889
Passcode: geecc

On the agenda: summer plans, vision for the fall and some proposed changes, and UNITE 2022 (summer 2022 plans).

Last small groups

May 26th will be our final night of small groups and May 27th will be our final night of Club 5/6.

End of the Year Party (7-9pm)

Join us on June 2nd for our Student Ministries End of the Year Party! Open to all 6th-12th graders. We are dreaming up a fun night of water games out in the field, pizza, and a campfire. Come prepared to get wet (and don’t forget a towel and something warm to change into for the campfire.)