Meal of Remembrance | Good Friday | Easter Sunday

Throughout the 40 days of Lent, we walk the path of glory with Jesus.   The path of glory is the path that leads to the cross of Christ.  At the cross, Christ is glorified through his death. 

Holy Week is the very concentrated time where we mark Jesus’ final steps to the cross and allow ourselves to be present in remembering Christ’s deep and immense sacrificial love for the world.

We invite you to join us during this week as we remember Jesus’ Last Supper (Meal of Remembrance) with his disciples, his crucifixion on Good Friday, and his resurrection on Easter.

Meal of Remembrance

On Palm Sunday evening we will gather for a Soup Supper, just as Jesus gathered for a meal with his disciples when they entered Jerusalem. Toward the close of our meal together, we will share in the Blessed Supper (Holy Communion) of our Lord.  The meal of mercy and grace that Jesus instituted for all those who believe in him.  Everyone is welcome!  5:30pm in the Family Life Center.  (This time of soup and communion is in place of a Maundy Thursday service).

Good Friday is a strange name given to the day the Jesus died on the cross. It is good because in Jesus’ death, God proclaimed the forgiveness of sins for the entire world!

We need to experience, through scripture, music, prayer, and visuals, the agony Jesus endured to go to the cross and die. Our joy on Resurrection Morning, Easter, is made more complete as we suffer with Christ on Good Friday.

Join us at 7pm in the sanctuary for a time of worship. Nursery will available for children 3 and under.  

Jesus is alive! He is not dead!  Easter is when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.  Jesus’ triumph over death means that there is eternal life for all those who believe in him.  Sin is conquered for everyone.  Death is conquered for the whole world.  Let us celebrate this good news and worship Jesus!

Join us for celebratory worship at 9:30am

·         We will be collecting the COVENANT WORLD RELIEF Offerings.